Friday, July 22, 2011

Do You Operate Under the Law of Love?

We are a "law unto ourselves", but we are, also, God's children. Therefore, we are the Law of Love.

Sometimes,though, however unwittingly, we make up our own laws. Then, once we've made them up, we feel as though we have to live with them. Some of the laws we've made up are the "law" of illness, the "law" of poverty, the "law" of loneliness, the "law" of suffering, etc. Look around your life at the laws you have made for yourself.

*** I am not talking about laws and rules society has laid out for us. Please understand that. I am talking about the laws we make for ourselves, the laws that govern our actions and reactions. ***

Now, go back to the one law that sticks. The Law of Love. If you have, and abide by, the Law of Love, what does that do to your "law" of illness? Where is the love in that? The "law" of poverty? The "law" of loneliness? The "law" of suffering? Look at each law you have made for yourself, and see where the Law of Love fits into it. It doesn't, does it? When we make our own laws, we are neglecting the Law of Love, and that is all there really is.

One way to know if it is an actual law of God, is to look at the law itself. Does it have power over us, or does it give us power through love? If we believe in the laws that have power over us, (laws that WE have made and abide by), we block the healing energy of the Angels.

For example, if we are afraid of something, we have established a law demanding that we fear that thing, thereby punishing us by the very law we invented. Where is the Law of Love there?

Look at what you think. Do you think, "I can't do this, because if I do, this will happen." Go back to God's law -- the Law of Love. Let that help you make that decision in a better light. ^j^

Do you want to meet your Angels? Jan Tincher, Angel Writer and award winning author, has a web site and has been writing about Angels for over nine years. You can read some of her articles here: Jan helps you bridge the gap between you and your Angels. This will definitely change your life.

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"Reformed" Personal Bankruptcy Law of 2005, Now Broken, Should Urgently Be Truly Reformed This Time

Time, once again, to reform the new 2005 reformed bankruptcy laws, and to reform the new reformed Chapter 7 bankruptcy? Or even the Chapter 13? On October 17 2005, amidst the highly charged atmospherics of high drama, robust promises and expectation, the new bankruptcy law, the Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act or BAPCPA, which had been enacted by Congress largely at the prodding of the Credit and financial industries, among other special interests, was promptly put into effect. Generally called the "reform" bankruptcy law, the law had been touted as something of a bankruptcy cure-all that was going to fix a "broken" bankruptcy system in America, most especially, reverse or drastically reduce the high volume of bankruptcy filings and the increased use of bankruptcy by American consumers in resolving their debt problem. The overarching, dominant argument and premise expressed by the banking and financial industry advocates and supporters of the reform law, and by its sponsors in the Congress, was that the growth in bankruptcy was due to "fraudulent bankruptcy filings" by consumers and the "excessive generosity" of the old bankruptcy system which, it was said, encouraged "abuse" and allowed a great many number of debtors to repudiate debts that they could quite well pay, at least in part.

A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report on the matter summarizing the "Legislative Goals of [the] Consumer Reform," summed it up this way:

"The high volume of consumer bankruptcy filings during the 1990's fuels the argument that the current law is too lenient, i.e., 'debtor-friendly' bankruptcy. Proponents of consumer bankruptcy reform cite many reasons in its support. The legislation is intended, among other things, to make filing more difficult and thereby thwart "bankruptcies of convenience"; to revive the social "stigma" of a bankruptcy filing; to prevent bankruptcy from being utilized as a financial planning tool; to determine who can pay their indebtedness and to ensure that they do; to lower consumer credit interest rates; and, to maximize the distribution to both secured and unsecured creditors. To effect these goals, the proposals implement a "means test" to determine consumer debtors' eligibility to file under chapter 7."

That was in October 2005 that the new law came into effect. Fast forward to today in March 2009, however, only less than 4 years after the passage of the new rules of the 2005 BAPCPA law that toughened the system for bankruptcy filing and made it far more costly (it more than doubled the legal fees charged by attorneys for bankruptcy filing) for debtors to file for bankruptcy. And we find that American debtors, once again, are fast returning to the same rate of bankruptcy filing as the pre-2005 levels. And the informed expert projections are that we'll land right back pretty soon at the same old "square one" in bankruptcy filing - back to the old "bad" high pre-2005 bankruptcy filing levels which the 2005 "reform" law just enactment by Congress was meant to cure and reverse. For the month of February 2009, for example, there were over 103,000 bankruptcy filings nationally. Spread over the 19 business days of February 2009, the filing rate is 5,433 filings per day - which represents a 22.0% jump over the January 2009 filing rate, and a year-over-year increase of 29.9% as compared to February 2008. In deed, by some expert predictions, the nation will register a rate of 1.4 million bankruptcy filings for the current 2009 calendar year.

Clearly, the "reformed" BAPCPA law has woefully failed in its avowed fundamental mission and purpose - discouraging American debtors from using the bankruptcy system in settling their debt problems by making the process tougher and more expensive and hassle-filled, and reversing the escalating or high volume trend in bankruptcy filings.


The fundamental reason why the 2005 law has come crashing down so soon, can be traced directly to one basic reason: the whole BAPCPA scheme had been based on a premise that is badly flawed, in deed false, and totally unsupported by facts or evidence or research, but based largely on mere raw emotions and ideological thinking. Essentially, Congress, while conspicuously discounting the independent research-based evidence of scholars such as Harvard's Elizabeth Warren and others (see, for example, Sullivan, Teresa A., Elizabeth Warren, and Jay Lawrence Westbrook. As We Forgive Our Debtors. New York, Oxford University Press, 1989), ultimately bought the more emotional argument of the banking and financial industries that rampant "fraud and abuse" was to blame for the high volume of consumer filing, and that to stem that tide the law needed to be made more stringent so as to curb "bankruptcy of convenience" by debtors.

That fundamental premise happens to have been totally false and grossly in error, however. At the heart of it, the notion that most American debtors file bankruptcy because though they really have the means to pay up their debts, they just do not wish to pay and merely want to cheat to get out of their debt obligation, is directly contradicted by so many studies and emperical evidence on the subject. But, even more closely today, it is directly contradicted by current events. Americans have, again, turned around and resumed flocking to the Bankruptcy courts in record numbers precisely today at a time of clearly serious national economic downturn, joblessness, financial distress and depression, for a great deal of them. Why? Because they wish to or love to cheat? Clearly, NOT that! Clearly, the 2005 reform law failed woefully to take into account the central role that the overall health and soundness of the "fundamentals," or, even more accurately, the lack of it, involved in the nation's as well as an individual debtor's economic and financial condition - his employment, overall financial obligations, etc - could often play in whether or not the debtor ultimately pays back his or her debt.

"After October, 2007 [marking the two years anniversary after the new 2005 law], there was very little 'inventory)'' of consumers ready to file for bankruptcy relief," explains Etaoin Shrdlu, one analyst on the subject, writing in Credit Slips, an online bankruptcy forum. "The Code [the bankruptcy law] changed, but the economic factors leading to bankruptcy have not. If anything, they're getting worse. [That's why] I think that within the next couple of years we'll be back at the same filing levels we had in 2003 and 2004."

Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard Law School professor and author of several books on bankruptcy, probably sums up the point best, this way:

"The credit industry did its best to drive up the cost of filing [for bankruptcy] but when families are in enough trouble they will fight their way through the paper ticket and higher attorneys' fees to get help," adding that "The word is now leaking out [once again] that the bankruptcy courts are open for business."

In sum, today, as we now see, the 2005 bankruptcy law is clearly badly flawed, if broken, right from the beginning. Congress, it's now obvious, needs urgently to completely redo this law to truly reform the egregious flaws of the 2005 "reformed" law - this time correctly, we hope.

Among many other important considerations that the new, truly "reformed" law must include, perhaps the most critical of them all is this: AFFORDABILITY OF BANKRUPTCY; finding low-cost bankruptcy. Whereas the 2005 law sought to arbitrarily restrict or exclude qualified bankruptcy candidates from filing for bankruptcy largely based on false premises by making it more difficult and expensive for them to file, such new law should provide effective mechanism that enables virtually EVERY honest American debtor, once clearly economically unable to meet the debt obligations but overburdened with debt and otherwise qualified, to have low-cost bankruptcy filings. Even finding non-lawyer pro se alternative to lawyer. American debtors should never be forced to have to forfeit their sacred constitutional right to bankruptcy as Americans, to seek the relief of bankruptcy from their debt burden and get the rehabilitative fresh start that bankruptcy offers for a life after debt - AFFORDABLY.

Benjamin Anosike, Ph.D., has been dubbed by experts and reviewers of his many books, manuals and body of work, which deal largely on self-help law issues, as "the man who almost literally wrote the book on the use of self-help law methods" by America's consumers in doing their own routine legal chores - in uncontested divorce, will-making, simple probate, settlement of a dead person's estate, simple no-asset bankruptcy, incorporation, etc. A pioneer and intellectual and moral leader of the 1970s-based "you do your own law" movement and a lifelong vehement advocate and veteran of historical battles for the right of the American consumers to perform their own tasks in the area of routine legal matters, Anosike was one of the pioneers who fought and survived (along with many others of courage) the lawyers' and organized bar's stiff war of the 1970s and '80s against American consumers and entrepreneurs who merely sought, then, to use, write, distribute or sell law-related self-help books and kits for non-lawyers to do their own law, upon the lawyers' claim then of such matters being purportedly "unauthorized practice of law" or "practicing law without a license" Anosike holds graduate degrees in labor economics and management and a Ph.D. in jurisprudence. Characterized by a review of the American Library Association's Booklist Journal as "probably the most prolific author in the field of legal self-help today," Dr Anosike is the author of over 26 books and manuals (and countless number of articles) on various topics of American law, including 4 volumes on personal and business bankruptcy filing, in a lifetime of dedication. For more on the subject matter discussed in this article, or on how to get a low-cost, affordable bankruptcy filing, or the author's other books and manuals, visit this site: www.Afford-Bankruptcy.Com

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Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey Reveal 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction

When we talk about the Universal Laws of Attraction, we talk about laws that apply to everybody. The Laws cannot be changed or broken.

Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey believe that the universe is governed by a set of universal laws, namely Law of Thinking, Law of Supply, Law of Attraction, Law of Receiving, Law of Increase, Law of Compensation, Law of Non-Resistance, Law of Forgiveness, Law of Sacrifice, Law of Obedience and Law of Success. However, one of the most talked about is the Secret Law of Attraction.

Laws of Attraction state that we are continually attracting things into our life that are consistent with the energy we are putting into the world.

The Laws help you understand and cope with confusing and changing times! As far as the Laws are concerned, one should never let failures distract them, as there is no such thing as "failures". It is fair that when we practice the Laws, we expect miracles to happen. We actually do not need to do so as "miracles" happen regardless, because it is what we dream, what we get.

When we want to amplify the power of attraction, we just need to vibrate our thought frequency at a higher level. It is said that the higher frequency we are generating, the more positive experience we will have in life. When I tell you that humans' body radiates energy, I hope you find the statement normal. There are molecules in our bodies and when they vibrate, energy is released. Our emotions dictate the vibrating level of our energy.

You must keep in mind that you have learned a great deal. You have every right to become a positive thinker and you are ready to benefit form the power of positive visualization. You have learned how to define positive visualization, aspects of positive thinking and how exactly positive visualization works. It is time now for you to use the 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction revealed by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey to help you.

John Lee is an entrepreneur, who has found successes using the Laws of Attraction []. Not only he built his business from 5-figure debts to 5-figure passive income, he helps others to do the same. He is also a student of Bob Proctor and learn The Secret directly from Bob. Visit [] to claim his FREE 52 email series revealing the secrets of his making 5-figure profit-pulling business on auto-pilot every month for the last one and a half year.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Law of Cause and Effect - How it Impacts Your Business and Your Life

"All that we are is made up of our thoughts; it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with a pure thought, happiness will follow him, like a shadow that never leaves him." -- Dhammapada

When starting a business, it is essential that you have a plan carefully thought out, researched, written, studied, analyzed, and fine-tuned before execution, to ensure that you get your business off to a good start and minimize mistakes along the way. As the saying goes: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

It is to your own advantage that you write the plan yourself no matter how "crude" it may appear to a seasoned business writer. Ask help from professionals but don't let someone else write the plan for you. You are not writing for the Wall Street Journal, you are writing your formula for success. Basically, your success formula starts with your passion for your "baby," which a business writer may not share with you. A good business plan is not measured by how well it is written but how feasible it is, to achieve success.

The importance of a plan when going into business, be it "just" a home-based business, cannot be emphasized enough. And don't let your business plan just sit on the bookshelf gathering dust. Make it your handy reference material, dog-ears on its pages for quick access. Make necessary revisions to stay in step with changing technology and trends as you go along.

But there is something even more important than the business plan that you need to ponder early on -- and always keep in mind -- if you are really dead serious in your pursuit of success, whether with your planned business or the much bigger business of living your LIFE that was meant for you to enjoy when you were brought forth into this green orb called earth. You see, the Majestic Creator, who filled the earth with abundance did not intend that man should live in misery in the midst of plenty.

First, you have to come to terms with the fact that there is no such thing in Nature that is called blind chance, accident or luck. Everything-yes, everything (tangible or intangible, physical or spiritual)-is governed by definite and active Universal Laws set in motion by the Great Law Giver. You may not agree but what you think -- or believe --doesn't nullify the fact that such laws do exist. Take, for example, the Law of Gravity. If there were no such law, do you think there would exist anything on earth, say, at the equator where it rotates on its axis 1,038 miles per hour? What would happen if the earth suddenly stopped spinning?

It is not the purpose of this article to educate you on all the Universal Laws - there's just too many of them to even mention here (space would not allow even if I wanted to), but one particular Law that I would like to impart to you knowledge and understanding of is the Law of Cause and Effect, and another law correlated with it, the Law of Financial Success.

The Law is precise: For every Effect there is a Cause, and for every Cause, an Effect.

Here's how one insightful author put it:

"Under the same conditions, a given Cause will always produce the same effect. This is what we call "Law." If we could make a close analysis of our lives, we would find that in their detail and entirety, they are the result or product of Law. This must be self-evident to every thinking person for the reason that without a "Cause," an "Effect" is impossible, and it will also be apparent that if we would control the effect, we must first put the right Cause into action.

"We are so accustomed to accepting thoughts, methods and conditions which have been handed down from our ancestors, or which are the product of social or economic evolution as the only right thing, and binding upon us, and of attributing the various things that come to us as "Chance" or "Happenstance," that we cannot at first realize the immensity of the fact that in our whole Life-expression, we are governed and controlled absolutely by Law! It staggers us at first, and while we can discern the workings of Laws in certain spheres, we are slow to grasp the transcendent fact that in all that concerns us, in our Success or Failure, Plenty or Poverty, Happiness or Unhappiness, and in Health or Disease, all, ALL is governed and determined by Law!"

The Law springs to action the very moment you let a thought enter your mind (Cause), dwell on it and then act it out. As you figure things out in your mind, and so they form and materialize (Effect) accordingly.

The mind possesses an innate power that when unleashed, can alter landscapes and reshape civilizations. The Great Creator Himself recognizes the power of the mind to Cause and bring about a corresponding Effect. When He thwarted the plan of mankind to build the Tower of Babel to a dizzying height, He said: "... they have begun to do this, then NOTHING they plan to do will be impossible for them."

Applying the Law

Pause for a moment and think why you are planning to put up your own business. What is your purpose, your motive, your goal? What is your dream ... your vision?

Ah, yes ... VISION. How many of the 6 billion people in the world today have vision?

In the Book of Proverbs, we read: "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Have you noticed how this little book of wisdom correlated vision with the law?

If your only motive to go into business is to make money-lots of it, better think again. Money is not the "be all, end all" of life. Space would not allow a lengthier discussion of money in this blog for there is so much to talk about it. But the short story of King Midas (you must be familiar with it) which I have included here would put everything in perspective:

King Midas

King Midas was a very kind man who ruled his kingdom fairly, but he was not one to think very deeply about what he said. One day, while walking in his garden, he saw an elderly satyr asleep in the flowers. Taking pity on the old fellow, King Midas let him go without punishment. When the god Dionysus heard about it, he rewarded King Midas by granting him one wish. The king thought for only a second and then said I wish for everything I touch to turn to gold." And so it was.

The beautiful flowers in his garden turned toward the sun for light, but when Midas approached and touched them, they stood rigid and gold. The king grew hungry and thin, for each time he tried to eat, he found that his meal had turned to gold. His lovely daughter, at his loving touch, turned hard and fast to gold. His water, his bed, his clothes, his friends, and eventually the whole palace was gold.

King Midas saw that soon his whole kingdom would turn to gold unless he did something right away. He asked Dionysus to turn everything back to the way it had been and take back his golden touch. Because the king was ashamed and very sad, Dionysus took pity on him and granted his request. Instantly, King Midas was poorer than he had been, but richer, he felt, in the things that really count.

The Law of Financial Success

Back to your planned business. The short story of King Midas illustrates how the mind works and how the Law of Cause and Effect functions in relation to a thought.

No one can dispute the fact that money is the primary purpose of a business for why should one go into business if he does not intend for his business to make money?

What I am trying to point out here, though, is how money should be approached since there are two different ways that it can be viewed, viz.:

o Money as an end, and

o Money as a means to an end

Following is how one author describes the two approaches:

"In this approach (money as an end), the idea is that money is what should be pursued. It's the end objective of effort. In this approach, money can be accumulated and it can be immobilized. And immobilization implies uneven distribution, which means that the money will accumulate heavier for some (the rich) and will be scarce and sparse for others (the poor) as a consequence. This is the case, because in this approach there is a limited supply of money. Therefore, the end objective should be to accumulate as much as possible, as this will supposedly provide for 'security' and 'financial independence.'

"In ... (approaching money as a means), the idea is that money is the means towards the end objective of experiencing something, simply for the feelings of excitement and happiness that come with the experience. Money itself is not the end objective, but rather are the things that money can buy. Money is merely the means of exchange in buying or selling goods and/or services that can bring the experience of desire. In this approach, money does not accumulate but circulate."

What is your personal view of money? Do you look at it as "an end" or the "means to an end"? Now, you relate that view to your planned business. You have to have everything clear at the very outset. That way, your decisions will not be based on what is expedient but what is right.

Would you go into business so you can have tons of money to your name? Do you "feel" the need to accumulate money and have this kept in the bank for "security" and "financial independence"?

There was this story of a retired old man during the Great Depression who, one morning as he scanned the day's paper, found out a little too late that all of the money he kept in the bank -- his lifetime savings -- was worth ONLY one round-trip ticket around Berlin. You know what he did? He withdrew all his money, bought a ticket, took a trip around Berlin, went home, locked the door behind him and shot himself to death.

Do not aim for the money as though it is all that matters in the world. Desire instead for the things that money can buy that will make you enjoy life. Somebody said some place, "money is a bad master and a good servant." Indeed. As the Great Master said: "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"

You have a good business idea? Go for it but don't slave yourself for the money. As one author put it: "No man ever became very wealthy working with his hands alone; this applies to the brain worker also. The only way to obtain much money is to make money work for you."

There you have it. Let money work for you. Invest your money wisely and make it grow. Money is meant to be circulated not hoarded. I don't mean that you shouldn't save. You should, to provide for the "rainy days." What I am trying to say is: don't be stingy and greedy at the same time.

Learn from Nature because it is never selfish. It adequately provides for everything that man needs, not just for him to survive but to enjoy life. Each morning you wake up to a fresh supply of everything you need to stay alive: air, water, sunlight and the plants and animals that provide food, clothing and shelter.

Ever noticed how the grass you cut the day before sprouted out new blades to welcome the beautiful morning sun? Those pesky little weeds were pained by your cutting but that didn't stop them from doing as Natured intended it. They didn't shrink back, they grew out new leaves.

Those flowers you picked from your garden, did it bother you that they wilted in the evening? No, because you knew that you'd have a fresh replacement - lots of it - on the morrow. When you pruned your fruit trees, did it worry you that they might not bear fruits again? No, because you knew that by cutting the branches, those trees would grow new ones and bear even much more fruit.

So that's how you should deal with your money. Practice economy but don't hoard. And as your chest fills to the brim, do something even more worthwhile doing-and achieving-like making a difference in a world gone mad, say.

The world's richest man, Bill Gates, is no longer involved in the day-to-day operation of Microsoft, the company that he really fought tooth-and-nail to build into the world's biggest software empire. He is enjoying his life actively leading the fight against malaria with his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He continues to make a difference in the lives of people.

He had his VISION clearly etched in his mind early on and he pursued that vision with dogged tenacity, against all odds. He had Faith in his ability. He had Purpose: "Windows® in every desktop." He contributed greatly to productivity, continual increase and never-ending advancement of technology. He was efficient in his actions. And he became rich - "filthy rich" as people call it - in the process.

For him to become the very rich man that he is today, do you think he followed Certain Laws and Principles? You bet he did. Money did not just fall on his lap from heaven. Nor did it come with him just sitting all day and wishing that money rain down from the skies or flow into his bank account from the vaults of giant Swiss banks.

Money came to him because he was in complete harmony with the Universal Laws that govern financial success, viz.:

o The Law of Cause and Effect (Opening the Way with a Workable Plan).

o The Law of Action and Reaction (The more you give, the more you receive)

o The Law of Gratitude (Be grateful even for the little things that come your way).

o The Law of Attraction ("As A Man Thinketh In His Heart, So Is He").

And the principles involved:

o Vision. (Definiteness and fixedness of Purpose)

o Faith (Confidence and belief in one's Ability)

o Efficient Action ("Be The Best of Whatever You Are")

o Will and Determination ("Never Surrender").

o Expectancy and Persistency (Only dead fish float downriver)

o Right Mental Attitude (Build your ideals and live in them mentally)

Together, the above laws and principles constitute the Law of Financial Success which governs the accumulation of wealth. To become rich, you have to do things the "Certain Way," not unlike following mathematical formulas when solving math problems. To illustrate: there's just no way that you can come up with the answer "1" when your formula is "1 + 1."

Don't be fooled when some glib-tongued "guru" tells you that to become rich, you only need to follow the Law of Attraction like it's shown in the movie, "The Secret." Said law is just one of the factors that determine success. No amount of desiring, wishing, imagining, visualizing for your planned business will enable you to get what you want if you just roll in bed all day or dream your life away in 'Never Never Land' like Peter Pan.

"Yes, You Can"

You have come this far in your reading of this article and I take it to mean that its contents interested, inspired, and motivated you enough to "follow your dream" and "GO FOR THE GOLD."

I am not foolishly telling you that this writeup is all you need to succeed in your planned home-based business. In fact, I encourage you to devour every reading material on entrepreneurship that you can lay your hands on and adequately equip yourself with the tools needed to realize your dream. I only hope that I am able to impart to you right knowledge and good understanding of the rudiments of home-business and the Universal Laws and Principles that "govern and determine the result of our every act-of the success or failure of our every effort!"

If, at this point, the whole picture of your planned business is already clear in your mind, then don't hesitate a second. ACT NOW. "Time waits for no man."

Sweep away from your consciousness all thoughts that may be causing you to doubt your ability and capability to follow through your plan till you see yourself vacationing in the Bahamas not the least worried about your business because it continues to pile up cash for you, 24/7, on autopilot.

For as long as you are in harmony with the Law of Financial Success as discussed in this article and not remiss in what is expected of you, especially in the infancy of your "baby," then things should go well with you and your home-based business. "Just do it."

"YES, YOU CAN." Powerful words that U.S. President Barack Obama used to inspire and move throngs to elect him to the most powerful office in the world. You can say the same to yourself, "YES, I CAN."

In closing, I leave you the following verse quoted from Napoleon Hill's book,Think and Grow Rich.

"If you think you are beaten, you are,

If you think you dare not, you don't

If you like to win, but you think you can't,

It is almost certain you won't.

"If you think you'll lose, you're lost

For out of the world we find,

Success begins with a fellow's will-

It's all in the state of mind.

"If you think you are outclassed, you are,

You've got to think high to rise,

You've got to be sure of yourself before

You can ever win a prize.

"Life's battles don't always go

To the stronger or faster man,

But soon or late the man who wins

Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN!"

© George Estrella, 2009

[] - This article may be freely distributed as long as the copyright, author's information and an active link (where possible) are included.

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Change Your Life - Know the Universal Laws

Universal laws are the firm and unwavering principles that governs our whole universe. It is the reason in which our world and our universe continue to exist, flourish and enlarge. Universal laws may also be known as "laws of nature" and "Spiritual laws."

There are an enormous and eternally increasing amount of individuals in the globe who are becoming aware and waking up of these universal laws so far it's still the huge mainstream who trust that life just happens.That the a variety of procedures, circumstances and conditions they experience in life, are based on "hit and miss no's and yes's" in spite of how excellent or terrible they might observe them to be, or are just a accidental succession of occurrences altogether fully believing there's no ultimate reason or basic motive why stuff come about.

I meet a lot of people who get nearer to a position of interest and surprise who frequently enquire, "What is the secret formula for experiencing happiness, wealth, joy, harmony and fulfillment?" or "can you tell me the secret to doing the things that you love to do?

The responses to these questions are always similar. In actual fact it is fairly straightforward. There's no secret at all if you choose to be aware, become conscious, and develop a deeper knowledge of why and how these unbelievable and amazing "Laws" constantly and naturally function.

Actually, you do not have to do that. But it certainly helps. All that is needed from you is just a matter of "undertaking" 4 easy yet really creative and powerful steps and the Universal Laws or spiritual laws will take over and supply the rest.

You do not have to discern how Universal Laws work or even be conscious that they exist. They are forever working whether you are "consciously aware" of it or not.

So, what are the Four steps

Step 1: Intend what you want.

Step 2: Keep it "real". Make sure you believe it in your heart and mind that you can have it.

Step 3: Think, act and talk as if you already have it.

Step 4: Act on the opportunities that comes to you to make it happen.

It is as easy as that.

Your work is the "why" and the "what". The work of the Universal Laws is the how and the when. Have no apprehension, do not doubt; Just Believe. The universal laws do their work always. The more focused and intentional you are on doing your work, the faster they manifest.

These are the universal laws.

* Law of Thinking

* Law of Supply

* Law of Attraction

* Law of Receiving

* Law of Increase

* Law of Compensation

* Law of Non-Resistance

* Law of Forgiveness

* Law of Sacrifice

* Law of Obedience

* Law of Success

To know more about this laws, go to

Listen to the Exclusive Teleseminar Interview with Bob Proctor (From the Secret). In this teleseminar, he Reveals the Other 11 Forgotten Laws That Enhances and Completes the Law of Attraction!

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Why Has the Law of Attraction Not Been Working For You and What Are the Other 10 Laws You Need?

The Law of Attraction has been praised extensively over the years. It has been hyped up as a result of the release of the hit movie "The Secret." Many even go as far as to claiming that knowledge of the proper workings of the Law of Attraction is the only thing that you need to know in order to achieve all the success you want. Could it, however, be that easy and simplistic?

As with anything in life, you should know better than to believe that things could be that simplistic. The Law of Attraction is fantastic and it is definitely important, but it is only one of a total of 11 laws. Initially these laws were presented in Raymond Holliwell's book "Working with the Law." Wait, you have not heard of Raymond Holliwell. This is understandable because his book was published about 70 years ago.

However, thanks to our contemporary Bob Proctor, who became like kind of a star due to the main role he played in "The Secret," these forgotten laws are back in discussion. Recently Bob Proctor released his profound program "The Forgotten Laws," which is involved in a detailed discussion of each one of the laws in the original Raymond Holliwell's book.

So what are these 11 laws? In the order that the author presents them, they are the Law of Thinking, the Law of Supply, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Receiving, the Law of Increase, the Law of Compensation, the Law of Non-Resistance, the Law of Forgiveness, the Law of Sacrifice, the Law of Obedience, and the Law of Success. Does this sound overwhelming? Well, I admit it did for me too in the beginning, but then I realized that I did not need to know everything about these laws at once. All I need to do was be aware of the fact that all of them are working at all times, and then seek to follow their postulates in my life as much as possible.

So does one need to read the original book or is Bob Proctor's program sufficient in covering the laws? Not only that, but the fact that Bob Proctor presents an updated version, which is more applicable in the 21st century, make his program the way to go to master the so called laws of the Universe. But why is knowledge of the Law of Attraction only not sufficient?

The Law of Attraction is not an isolated entity. It works in harmony with 10 other laws and together they direct everything in our daily lives. If we are aware of and work with these forces, then we would be able to achieve all our goals and feel fulfilled in our lives. If not, then we would suffer in the ignorance of the majority. The choice what to do, as always, is yours. Check out the link below for more details regarding the program, as well as reviews of some other related programs. Have fun applying all the laws to your life and manifesting success!

Want to learn more about this topic? Instantly access more free tips and reviews about The Law of Attraction [] here: [].

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Forgotten Laws of Success Revealed to You Finally

The Forgotten Laws of Success have been hidden from main stream education for ages. Whether this has been deliberate or a coincidence is of little importance or significance, the fact of the matter is they are hereby revealed to you. In my studies of the laws of success it has come to my understanding that mankind has always been searching for the hidden secrets even principles and practices of those wise men who lived before them in order to separate themselves from the status quot, to develop the qualities of the man or woman of success, to become a leader taking their rightful place in society.

It is man's prerogative to grow, to learn, to stretch himself beyond the limits of physical, mental, spiritual and psycological boundaries, and the only way to do that is to come into an awareness of the factors that transform us into what we desire to be.

Here are the forgotten laws revealed to you;

The Law of Thinking, many of the so called bad things that happen to us would not be so if we only thought about what we do and even say on a regular basis. Our thoughts are the seedlings of every act and spoken word and much more effort should be placed on this simple yet profound activity.

The Law of Supply, if we truly studied this law and understood it we would understand that there is no lack of anything. The universe is capable of supplying all our needs and desires on every level, hence as we grow, our needs are being met.

The Law of Attraction, there are two words that are of utmost importance with this law and those two words are desire and expectation. You must desire something and with that burning desire you must also have great expectation, that you will achieve your heart's desire, they go hand-in-hand and this is an absolute truth.

The Law of Receiving, this one stumps most people but it is so simple and profound. It is based on God's Law of Love and if you don't understand love you will never understand God, herein lies the secret to the law of receiving. If you want to receive, you must become a giver, become a channel where gifts flow through you to enrich the lives of others and as you do that, your life in return is enriched. This is clearly stated in Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."

The Law of Increase, this law might make you want to raise your eyebrow, but it is also very simple. In essence it is saying, "when the praises go up, the blessing come down." Learn to praise and give thanks for what you have with an attitude of gratitude. Stop complaining and whining, you have many things to be grateful for, identify them and be known as a "praiser," your substance will be increased.

The Law of Compensation, our penal institutions all over the world are filled to capacity because men and women wrongfully think they can outwit this law. Do not be fooled for an instance, if you operate in a manner contrary to any of these laws, you will lose. As a matter of fact, you do not "break" any law, you confirm it. If you should jump from a fifty storey building, you do not break the law of gravity, you confirm it, 'what goes up must come down". This law simply states that you "reap what you sow". Whether in thought or deeds and there is no getting around it, the law is absolute, all of God's laws are absolute.

The Law of Non-Resistance, have you ever noticed how water just seem to flow off the back of a duck? its the way their feathers are designed. We need to develop this kind of "feather" in our character. When you do that, other peoples negative statements and mindset do not affect you. You will in time become impervious to even negative thoughts because you have fortified yourself with right thinking and a positive, right attitude.

The Law of Forgiveness is one of the most difficult laws, yet if we wish to be forgiven by others, we must in tern forgive those who have spitefully used us and done all manner of evil against us. This law requires great humility, patience and practice. We release ourselves from the emotional baggage, burden and bondage of hatred, un-forgiveness and vengeance, when we learn to forgive those who have done us wrong.

The Law of Sacrifice speaks to the "price one must pay for change". Many wondering souls have stopped short of their dreams and life's goal because they were not prepared to pay the required price for changing their situation or status. This law speaks to ones discipline in sticking to a task until it is achieved. You must never be found wavering or double-minded in your efforts, or else you will never win the prize. Learn to apply this law to you life and nothing will be impossible for you.

The Law of Obedience speaks to ones obedience to the laws of nature, the laws of God, to live a successful and meaningful life. Understanding these laws and remaining obedient to these universal principles is what separates a life lived successfully and a life lived filled with regret, remorse and disappointment.

The Law of Success, is a law I sometimes call the I Can law. This law speaks to your attitude. In other words, if you think you can you are right, if you think you can't you are also right. This was one of the mantras of the great Henry Ford. Believe you are a winner and you will become a winner, but if you think you will lose you most certainly have already lost.

Dean Wong

"I have been studying these principles since I discovered them some time ago and I have seen dramatic improvements in my own life and my relationships. You can experience this dramatic and wonderful transformation too, today".

Visit my website at the above address to discover a product that teaches the Forgotten Laws in a simple detailed manner, secrets of the ages revealed to you. It will be one of the best investments you make, in yourself.

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Financial Laws - Know the Principles to Your Financial Freedom

Everything in nature is governed by laws. Nothing exists, except it is set in by laws and also sustained by laws.

The earth revolves round the sun, based on laws. We walk on earth by the law of gravity. Things grow by laws. We live in an ocean of laws and principles.

Laws respects no one. If you put it to work, it will produce the results for you. Laws can work for you or against you based on your understanding and utilization of that law. So also, wealth creation is based on laws. There are foundational laws and laws for building blocks.

From my observation, I have discovered that there are inner and outer laws of wealth creation. The inner laws can also be called the foundational laws. And the outer laws must be built on the inner laws for it to produce lasting result.

You can not operate one without the other; both laws must be in operation for you to be substantially successful financially. The inner laws which are the foundational laws must be exercised first, so as to sustain the outer laws which you must operate too.

Always remember that there is no building without the foundation. The stronger the foundation, the stronger and the safer the building. The building lasts for a longer period because of the foundation. This is also true of the financial laws. Work a lot on the inner laws and build it strong.

Based on my years of study, research and proven results, I have encapsulated these laws into sentences/quotes. I am still learning because there is no genuine wealthy man that stops learning. One of the rules of wealth creation and multiplication is continuous effective learning.

According to me, the 1st financial law is an inner law and it is the foundation of all laws.

LAW 1 -

Your outside status will always measure up with your inner state.

Have you heard of or read this from the bible that "as a man thinks in his heart so is he". The 1st financial law is almost the exact paraphrase of this verse. You are the exact product of your inner state. Notice, I did not say your inner state will always measure up with your outside status. The reason is because one precedes the other. Inner state precedes outside status. The inner state produces what the outside condition should look like. Your inner state creates your world. Look at your results now, that's the exact representation of your inner state.

Lets do a simple exercise. How much do you spend monthly (both money and time) to upgrade your inner state and elevate your awareness? Write the answer down. The answer reflects in your results. You might say I don't have much money to purchase these materials. It's not how much you have, it's how passionate you are.

Let me give you an example of most people's inner state. Most people work to make money. Working to make money is as a result of your conditioning. Most have been told since their childhood to grow up and work to earn money. But I have got news for you.

The worst way of making money is by working. Working is supposed to be a way of expressing your love for what you do. Working is for satisfaction and fulfilling your purpose not to make money. Money could be a by product of the work but that's not the main purpose. Money is made by applying specific laws and solving problems.

If I give you $1 million today and the first thing that comes to your mind is to resign from your job, then you are in the wrong place. Start planning your way out of the place now. The above example is a reflection of most people's inner state.

Olusola Olarewaju

You can learn more about the Financial laws and other Laws of life when you visit my site and this will set on the course of your dream. you can be that person you always envision. it is easy to be successful like me. Visit this site too - you will surely get what you want and free materials also.

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Law of Attraction Video Shows a Vegetable Walk Again - Finally!

I remembered watching the Law of Attraction video, and there were these statements - "Whether you believe or not, universal laws govern the universe.  These Laws of Attraction are basic principles of life and have been around since creation. The Laws are laws of the Divine Universe. The Secret Law of Attraction applies to everyone, everywhere. Secret Law of Attraction cannot be changed and cannot be broken."

In the movie, the Secret, it is reported that a vegetable managed to walk again from his death bed because of using The Secret, i.e. the Law of Attraction.

There are a lot of negative people around, but they do not do anything to improve their life, instead they just talk about it and moan about it. How do you feel when somebody tells you that you are destined to be a normal person just like everybody else? Do you let it get to you or make a decision that you will prove them wrong? When you have decided to go for your goal, no matter how big or small, make a conscious decision and go for it, ignoring what others have told you or are going to tell you. Whatever you do, if you are really determined to do it, you will do it well. The Secret of Law has come into play. The Law does not know the difference between good and bad thoughts. Rather, it gives you what you are thinking about. The Law of Attraction video shares with you the Secret.

Miracles happen. The Secret movies proves that a vegetable, in real life, managed to walk again from his dead bed because of using the Secret, i. e. The Law of Attraction.

Positive visualization is very powerful as it will open your eyes and your life to a world that is brighter and better than the negative one which most people dwell in.

When you were a child, you would go for your desire. Would you now? What would happen to make sure you go for your dream, just like a child?

The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending out into the Universe. You will receive more of what you are vibrating. Thus it is important that you are not vibrating your "fear" energy! You are less likely to feel down and instead you allow positive visualization to guide you to happy thoughts. Many people make excuses of why they cannot do this or that. Has this happened to you? Life these days can be hectic. Because of leading such a hectic life, you suffer more stress It causes more stress, and you don't need stress at this moment in time. You can make positive visualization work in your life and start turning your bad situations into good ones. Like in the Law of Attraction video, Adam managed to change the whole circumstances around by visualizing positively about his situation. All his problems diminished.

When you know how to manifest the Secret in life, you will be able to get through tough times. The Law of Attraction video does not only shares advices and tips, but also shows case studies of real life people of their amazing turn-around.

When you watch the video, you realize that Secret of Law of Attraction is not as big a Secret, as the hit movie would have you believed, but it is still critical to watch it as it reinforce your beliefs that you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it. You may start to see all things in positive light regardless whether they are negative or positive. You will start to see that the power of attraction is in force in your life right this moment and whether one is aware of it or not, you are actually attracting your dream job, people and all the positive situations into your life. I know you maybe thinking whatever happens to the people in the Law of Attraction video is not real. But what you have to lose when you commit yourself to practicing the law since you much more to gain than losing.

However you must beware that different people try to tell you a different version of the Secret of Law of Attraction. Remember any so called "Secret of Law of Attraction" that goes against "thoughts become things" is not the secret law. You must have the determination to go on and fulfill your dreams. You certainly have the rights to doubt the power of attraction, but that does not mean that the law does not exist. If you are someone who wants others to do things for you, then you will have a hard time materializing your dream. Do not just take whatever I have shared with you here. Go and test them out, and you will be amazed the power of power of attraction. The Secret Law of Attraction is a supreme gift that we should always be mindful of, be grateful for and never take for granted. When you work it, it will give you back ten folds the benefits. The law of attraction is simple and it will help you meet, achieve and reach the life of your dreams. The law of attraction will work for you if you allow your mind to be expanded and challenged, then you will receive anything you want in your life. It is important that you watch the Law of Attraction video again.

John Lee is an entrepreneur, who has found successes using the Law of Attraction Video []. Not only he built his business from 5-figure debts to 5-figure passive income, he helps others to do the same. He is also a student of Bob Proctor and learn The Secret directly from Bob. Visit [] to claim his FREE 52 email series revealing the secrets of his making 5-figure profit-pulling business on auto-pilot every month for the last one and a half year.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

7 Laws of Attraction - Essential Components to the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction may sound to you like a warmed-over catchphrase if you've been really getting into the study of this universal law for a reasonable amount of time. But those of you who are unaware or only new to the whole universal Law of Attraction dealio, it is regarded as one of the most profound laws conducting the universe in which we reside.

The axiom behind the words only really describe the way in which we interact and intermix with the universe and the energy we hold within ourselves that actuate that of which the universe lawfully brings to us.

To have a real understanding of how to apply the Law of Attraction and the way in which it operates, it's usually easier to break it down into its very basic components. When we do endorse a true perceptiveness of the law and exercise it correctly and perseveringly in our lives, it's believed to give us the key to ultimate success and freedom.

The Law of Manifestation is the first component of the 7 Laws of Attraction. This law refers to the thoughts we possess in our minds. It is true to say that thoughts do become things and whatever it is you contemplate your attention and focus on most will someday govern your own personal experiences and realities. How large or small that your thoughts might be does not at all count, whatever you channel your thoughts and energy to, manifests before you.

What you can take from this, is to become knowledgeable of what you think, and become conscious of any negative and/or insistent thought. The universe will manifest intense thoughts of success just as much as it will proclaim intense thoughts of negativity and failure. What you do here is to change the negative into the positive and only centralize on what you DO want, instead of what you DON'T want. Be mindful of your thoughts and concentrate them towards success or anything that of which you want to achieve. Focus and keep it up long and hard enough and it will be.

The Law of Unwavering Desire is the second component of the 7 Laws of Attraction. If you wish to have something in your life, and believe you can attain it with all your heart and being, a path will be set forth by the universe for you to gain that of which you want. Believing in yourself and that of which you can have can only be sending out positive vibrational frequencies to the universe for it to act in response and bring back to you. Let no emotion of doubt, fear or inner conflict obstruct this process.

The Law of Delicate Harmony is the third component of the 7 Laws of Attraction. Don't get strung up on this one thing, though many people endorsing the law are caught up in this. They become edgy with the universe and start wondering "So where is my stuff?" This in itself is a negative vibration. Maintaining a deep and routed sense of gratitude and satisfaction for the present is indeed critical. Do you think the universe has a timeline? You thought wrong. It has no 'Time'; it takes as long as it takes.

Don't become disheartened or despairing with the universe by the lack of results you're receiving because really what you are doing is sending out negative vibes and vibes attached to the emotion you feel from your reactions and what do you get? You guessed it, you get exactly that, which will in turn prolong the process. This most likely causes you to feel even more frustration, which again could possibly cause you to doubt the law all together.

Carry out a graceful balance between your dream and what you believe you can have by projecting yourself into the future with the use of your imagination, but live contently and peacefully.

The Law of Magnetism is the fourth component of the 7 Laws of Attraction. You may of heard of the

pronouncement "You reap what you saw" or "Whatever comes around goes around" this is the aspect of

the law referred to as Karma. Like energy attracts like energy and has no opposite. The energy we emit, be it positive or negative, are the same that of which we attract and is brought back to us from the universe.

The Law of Synchronization is the fifth component of the 7 Laws of Attraction. The universe has everything to offer you. You can absolutely do, be or have anything you choose or wish to ordeal in your life. All you have to do is plug in and understand we are all part of a much greater whole, and not a detached entity in an alien universe. Embrace a giving attitude and give to those that need it more, whatever the situation give value beyond what you redeem in return.

The Law of Universal Influence is the sixth component of the 7 Laws of Attraction. The energy you transmit, whether it be positive or negative will affect and manipulate events and people you ordeal in correspondence. Since all we are is fundamentally energy, at which vibrates at an exceedingly high rate out into this world, people pick up on it causing them to feel a consequential impact from us. Like energy attracts like energy, we are all connected to each other by the energy we emit. Seek to only bring the positive into every thought, every action and every deed no matter how seemingly subtle the action is.

The Law of Conscience Action is the seventh component of the 7 Laws of Attraction. You can sit in your room and wish your way to millions but unless you are taking action in alignment with your goals, it's ridiculous to think you will end up gettting the results you want. By taking action, and setting forth goals will have you work towards achieving them, the Law of Attraction and Manifestation will be with you every step of the way. Educate yourself in whatever you decide to turn your attention to fully. Endorse yourself with integrity and treat those around you as you would wish to be treated and practice right action. You will see the benefits.

Want to know how to activate the Law of Attraction? Let me show you how! Get my step-by-step "Finally Getting What You Want" e-course where I show you how to switch on your attraction power today! Get instant access to this and more at

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Natural Laws of the Universe and the Law of Attraction

There are laws of nature which include the energetic laws of the Universe and the physical laws. Both are natural. Both are laws of cause and effect. The difference is that one set of causes is material and the other is energetic. Both have inevitable results.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is one of the energetic Universal Laws of the Universe. It operates from a formula, just as any physical law.

(Belief + Vision)Passion = Manifestation

It is very closely related to the Law of Intention and Desire. For use of this law, it is important to let go of control. You must make your list and surrender it to the womb of Creation.

As Mike Dooley instructs us, we must pitch balls to the Universe, and let it hit the home run.

Does the Law of Attraction have Anything to do with the Law of Least Effort?

They are closely related. This one assures us that if we harness joy, laughter and love that we will harness success without effort. Lao Tzu says, "An integral being knows without going, sees without looking and accomplishes without doing."

This activates the Law of Attraction. Some teachers emphasize that you must be active to make the Law of Attraction work. When you add this law, you are able to be less purposefully active. Although, the thing that is making you joyful is often related activity.

The Law of Giving, Sacrifice and Vibration also Affect the Law of Attraction in your Life

This is a law that requires energy to travel. When we give away our unused stuff, we are sending it back out so into the Universe rather than hording it. This is re-energizing it and renewing the energy of the Universe.

Stopping the flow of the Universe as we do when we store stuff in our basement will also stop the flow of energy (resources) toward us.

We can also send energy out or clog energy inside us by giving a compliment or holding one back. Do not ever hold back in order to save someone from being conceited. We reap what we sow. Send out happiness and reap it yourself -- usually in greater amounts.

The Law of Detachment and Rhythm

Your spiritual self is always detached from specific goals or desires. It is your ego that wants the Mercedes rather than the Ford Mustang. If we are visualizing a car to take us to work in 20 minutes rather than the hour and a half that it takes on the train, picture something comfortable and dependable. You might get a Mercedes or you might get the Mustang.

If you attach to the Mercedes, you might get nothing. This is the meaning of this law. Send your prayer/manifestation, and then step back. Let the Universe create the answer for you. Be grateful when it comes. Perhaps in the future, you will get the Mercedes if you are grateful now.

For more on the Laws of the Universe, please visit:

Nancy J. Stremmel is the co-owner and developer of: the compendium of information on the Law of Attraction.

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How the 2009 Citizenship Law Applies to Adopted Children

The Canadian government has passed a new citizenship law that resolves a variety of issues about Canadian citizenship (Bill C-37). Buried in that law is a provision that has passed unnoticed, until now, which puts limitations on the Canadian citizenship rights of some internationally adopted children. Recent articles in the National Post, the Globe & Mail and the Ottawa Citizen have brought these provisions to the attention of the adoption community.

Although this new law will come into effect on April 17, 2009, I hope it is not too late for adopting parents to express their views (read Comments from adopting parents so far. Also read Complex Citizenship Laws Anger Adopting Parents). The provisions of the new law are complex, so I have set out a series of questions and answers at the end of this article, which I hope will clarify the finer points of the new rules.

A good way to begin understanding the issues is to read the newspaper articles "Critics Fear Two-Tier Citizenship" and "Citizenship Changes Could Create Inferior Citizens". For the perspective of Robin Hilborn of Family Helper, see "Canadian law denies citizenship to children of foreign adoptees"

Essentially the legislation provides that the children of some internationally adopted children will not have a right to Canadian citizenship. In practice, this is likely to affect only a small proportion of all adopted children. What upsets adopting parents, however, is the notion that their children will have a lesser class of citizenship. In effect, the children are being discriminated against. Adopting parents do not want to feel that their children are second-class citizens.

Adopting parents in Canada are losing their tolerance for being discriminated against. Resentment at the inherent discrimination against adopting families built into the EI legislation has been simmering for the past decade (for a detailed description of the discrimination which adopting parents feel about this subject, see our earlier Spotlight, "Adoption in the Workplace"). Now a new law that discriminates against their children is going to have a galvanizing effect on the adoption community.

The Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, 2008, begins with the following words:

"The Citizenship Act, under which CIC grants citizenship to eligible newcomers, affirms that all Canadians have the same rights, privileges and responsibilities whether they are citizens by birth or naturalization."

That will change as of April 17, 2009. In an attempt to solve the problem of Canadian citizenship being handed down generationally to people who don't actually live in Canada, the government has reduced the citizenship rights of some internationally adopted children, and effectively created a lesser class of citizenship for them. Was this really necessary? It feels like a sledgehammer was used to kill a flea. Could not a more elegant solution have been found to actually deal with the perceived problem?

The Report of the Senate Standing Committee, which reviewed Bill C-37, states:

"Such a distinction would grant citizenship to a first generation born outside Canada while denying it to their children and subsequent generations were they to be born abroad. Such a provision strikes your Committee as arbitrary and unfair."

The Committee also added: "Rather, the Committee urges the government to ensure that all aspects of new citizenship legislation are Charter-compliant and consistent with Canadian values".

As a result of concerns by the Immigration Department about the confusion surrounding the new law, it recently issued a clarification.

In a published response to the concerns of adopting parents, the Minister states:

"Critics have entirely missed the point of how changes to our citizenship law, which come into effect on April 17, 2009, will protect the value of citizenship."

I don't think that is true. Adopting parents probably do understand the concerns that the government has about protecting the integrity of Canadian citizenship. It is the specific solution, which the government has come up with that they are protesting.

It is an insult to adopting parents to say that their children now have a lesser class of Canadian citizenship. The government needs to rethink these provisions and find a solution that does not put limitations on the rights of citizenship for internationally adopted children. The government should find a solution which fits the actual problem. This article is a call to action for adopting parents. Adopting parents who wish to make their views known to the government should do so immediately. Prior to doing so, however, please read the questions and answers set out below. The law is quite technical and there is already confusion about who the law would apply to. This is not helped by the government's own website, which is not clear. If, after reading the article and the new rules, additional questions arise that should be asked in the list below, please send them to me and I will add them to the article.

For the purposes of this article, I will use the terms Class A citizenship to refer to full-rights citizenship and Class B to refer to the new, lesser-rights citizenship.

Q1. Who does the new law apply to?

A. The new law applies to adopted children who receive their citizenship abroad, pursuant to the new direct citizenship provisions enacted in Canada on December 23, 2007. [See also Q10 below]

Q2.Who is not subject to the new rules?

A. The new rules do not apply to the following:

(a) adopted children born in Canada;

(b) Internationally adopted children who come to Canada on a permanent resident visa and subsequently obtained Canadian citizenship after their arrival in Canada. Up until now this has been the situation of most (but not all) children adopted overseas and brought to Canada. They will not be affected by the new rule, despite what it says on the Canada Immigration website.

The web posting "New Citizenship Rules" states:

"This limitation will also apply to foreign-born individuals adopted by a Canadian parent. The adopted children of Canadian citizens will be considered to be the first generation born abroad. This means that:

If a person born outside Canada and adopted by a Canadian parent has a child outside Canada, that child will not be a citizen by birth;........"

This information is misleading. In a clarifying email from the Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration (which doesn't seem to be posted anywhere at the moment), an official makes it clear that the restriction on obtaining Canadian citizenship only applies to situations described in the above quote and where the parent of the child born outside of Canada originally was granted Canadian citizenship overseas pursuant to the new 2007 direct to citizenship route. This misstatement on the government website has caused some parents to believe that the new law will apply to their children, when in fact it will not.

(c) The new law will not apply to children who would normally fall into the Class B citizenship definition, but whose parent is working overseas with the Canadian government (Federal or Provincial) or serving overseas in the armed forces. Instead, these children will have Class A citizenship. However, children whose parents are working for Canadian corporations, the United Nations, who are on vacation, or who are otherwise travelling outside of Canada do not get this exemption and will have Class B citizenship. This is a distinction which is hard to justify. If you work for one kind of employer your children are Class A citizens, and if you work for a different kind of employer your children are Class B citizens. Surely there is a better way to sort this out.

Q3. What is the most serious consequence of this new law?

A The most serious consequence that is evident at this time is that a child born overseas to an adopted person has a reasonable chance of being a "stateless individual" (this would be the adopting parents' grandchild). This leads to a number of questions:

(a) Why would this happen? - Only some countries grant citizenship to a child born in their country (Canada and the USA being examples of countries that do that). Many countries rely on the citizenship of the child's parents or some other criteria. The child would be born stateless if they did not derive a citizenship through either parent and they are also born in a country where birth on soil does not give access to citizenship. As a stateless person, the child would have no obvious way to come to Canada.

(b) Is there a remedy? - A child of a Canadian who was born stateless abroad would have the option of applying for a grant of citizenship on the basis of statelessness. The amended Citizenship Act has provisions for granting citizenship to stateless children of Canadian citizens, but the child must first live in Canada for three years. This stateless child would have neither a passport nor a right to enter Canada, so it is not even clear how the child could travel to Canada to establish residence. One can only hope that there will be a benevolent immigration officer overseas who has empathy for the predicament that the Class B Canadian citizen finds himself in, and will grant the stateless child some sort of visa to come to Canada. This event will be 20, 30 or 40 years into the future. It is hard to predict what the world will look like then in terms of population and pressures on the Canadian immigration system. What will immigration officers say to a Class B Canadian citizen in 30 years who wants to bring their stateless child back to Canada? Adopting parents today will be the grandparents of that child. We can all hope it's a sympathetic response.

(c) Any born-abroad Canadian adopting parents could immediately face the problem outlined in (b) above. Again, this is because the provisions of the new law apply to children born outside of Canada as well as to those adopted.

Q4. What happens if my adopted child has Class B Canadian citizenship and gives birth to a child overseas?

A That child, your grandchild, will not acquire Canadian citizenship. He or she may be eligible to be sponsored as a permanent resident, and then apply for citizenship as soon as he or she becomes a permanent resident.

Q5. How does it work for subsequent generations? Do they have Class A or Class B Canadian citizenship?

A Generational Chart Showing Whether Descendants have Class A or B Canadian Citizenship Rights:

Parents Child


Generation (Adopting Parents)



(your adopted child)

If this child receives Canadian Citizenship overseas under the 2007 law, he/she will have Class B Canadian Citizenship



(your grandchild)

If the child of the adopted child above is born outside of Canada, he/she will not be entitled to automatic Canadian Citizenship. The child may apply to enter Canada on a Permanent Resident Visa. If he/she subsequently obtains Canadian Citizenship, then it will be a Class A Citizenship.

Fourth Generation

(your great-grandchild)

The child of this Class A citizen parent, if born inside Canada, (the Adoptive Parents' great-grandchild) will have Class A Citizenship.

Q6. Can I do anything to avoid this new law if I am going to adopt a child in the future?

A Yes you can. Do not use the new direct citizenship route for children adopted overseas. Only use the old route of applying for a permanent resident visa for the child, and after the child is landed in Canada apply for Canadian citizenship. This child will have a Class A Canadian citizenship.

Adopting parents report that they are consistently advised by Canada Immigration officials to use the new direct citizenship route. Anyone considering which route to follow should read our previous Spotlight - Citizenship for Adopted Children: Canada's New Law for 2008. In addition, adopting parents should obviously think about whether they wish their children to have Class B Canadian citizenship, and what effect that might have on their grandchildren.

Q7. Does the new law contravene the Charter of Rights?

A I don't know. The government has not invoked the "Notwithstanding Clause" under the Constitution of Canada, so the Charter does apply to this legislation. In the 1998 McKenna case, the Canadian Human Rights Code was used to say that it was discriminatory to adopted children not to be able to obtain citizenship overseas. It was this case that 10 years later finally led to the new citizenship law of 2007 permitting just that. On the other hand, adopting parents were not successful in invoking the Charter of Rights to overturn the inherent discrimination in the EI legislation in the 1997 Schafer case. It does seem likely that eventually someone will challenge this notion of Class B citizenship for adopted children under the Charter of Rights. A Charter challenge could also come based on discrimination against persons born abroad to Canadian citizen parents.

Q8. Are the new rules retroactive?

A Section 3 (4) of the Citizenship Act states:

"Subsection (3) does not apply to a person who, on the coming into force of that subsection, is a citizen."

What does this clause mean? It means that if you are a citizen on the day the new law comes into force, then you will not lose your citizenship. Unfortunately, the Immigration Department is interpreting this to mean that a person will not lose their Canadian citizenship, but the new provisions will change the quality of your citizenship.

So, for the adoption world, the law will be retroactive and will have the following two results:

(a) Children who have been adopted and obtained their Canadian citizenship overseas since December 23, 2007 will have their Canadian citizenship downgraded from Class A to Class B on April 17, 2009. This will come as an unhappy surprise to Canadian adopting parents, who have pursued the direct citizenship route as a result of non-stop directions from Canada Immigration officials to adopting parents to take the new route; and

(b) Adopting parents who were born outside of Canada. Any adopting parents in this category will have their citizenship changed from Class A to Class B on April 17, 2009. As a result, when they adopt overseas, their children are not entitled to direct Canadian citizenship. Their only route will be to sponsor the child as a landed immigrant, obtain a permanent resident visa, and subsequently apply for Canadian citizenship.

A CIC official has verbally confirmed that these provisions are retroactive. We have requested that the government confirm to us, in writing, that the law is not retroactive. We will update this section when we receive the government's written answer.

Q9. Does this new law only apply to adopted children?

A No, in addition to adopted children, the new rules apply to children born outside of Canada, unless their parent(s) fit within a specific definition. In addition, Bill C-37 (the new law) also deals with many other citizenship issues unrelated to adoption.

Q10. If I am adopting parent who was born abroad to Canadian parents, can I adopt overseas?

A You can adopt, but if you are single you will not be able to use the direct citizenship route. Your child will have to be admitted to Canada with a PR Visa. The reason for this is that the new law applies to children of Canadians born to Canadians overseas, as well as to those adopted overseas. However, if you are married to a Class A Canadian citizen, then you will be able to use the direct citizenship route.

Q11. Is there any "patch" that the government could use to repair this law?

A The application of the new law should be suspended until the adoption community has a real chance to have input, and perhaps a better solution is found. One suggestion being proposed would provide an exception to the new law if the adopted child lived in Canada for a certain unspecified period of time. In other words, the child would start with Class B Canadian citizenship, and if the child eventually qualified by living in Canada for a certain period of time, they would graduate to Class A Canadian citizenship. Whether this would be a satisfactory solution for Canadian adopting parents remains to be seen.

Note: These concerns are not limited to children adopted abroad, but also apply to children born abroad. The implications of this law are likely to be seen more immediately for born-abroad Class B citizens than adopted-abroad Class B citizens.

Q12. Why was the adoption community in Canada not consulted before this law was brought into force?

A The adoption community in Canada was unaware of these new rules until articles appeared in the press in mid-January, 2009. How did this happen? - Bill C-37 received royal assent on April 17, 2008. It comes into force on the first anniversary of that date, April 17, 2009. For over a year preceding the passing of the new law, the government consulted with various interest groups who could be affected by changes to the Citizenship Act. It does not appear to have been made clear, however, that a Class B citizenship would be created for children adopted overseas. On December 13, 2008, the regulations under this new Act were published in the Canada Gazette, and provided for a 30-day comment period. Unfortunately, this comment period extended over the Christmas and New Year's vacation and expired in early January. Buried in the comment attached to the Canada Gazette was the statement , "The aforementioned limitation will also apply to foreign-born persons adopted by a Canadian parent". It was only when these proposed regulations were published that one person noticed this and has been raising an alarm for the past few weeks.

Surely, if the Government of Canada was going to do something as dramatic as create Class B citizenship rules for adopted children in this country, it is incumbent on them to really bring this to the attention of adopting parents, the Adoptive Families Association, the Provincial Adoption Bureaus, Adoption Agencies across Canada, and the Adoption Council of Canada. It is incredibly dismissive of the adoption community to have been treated in this manner by the government.

Q13. What can I do to stop this new law?

A Perhaps nothing. The new law (Bill C-37) has been passed, given Royal assent, and the regulations under it are in force. Some parents are currently considering filing a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. And, of course, someone with deep pockets could take a Charter of Rights challenge to try to have the law declared unconstitutional. On the other hand, perhaps adopting parents in Canada can speak out with one voice and object to what has happened. Adopting parents in Canada represent a potent political force. To date, this has been largely untapped. It is time that the Canadian adoption community make its influence felt. There is no reason why we cannot have an Adoption Caucus of MPs and Senators who listen to what's important to the adoption community in Canada. The natural focus of these efforts could be the Adoption Council of Canada, which can harness some of the tremendous energy and opinions of adopting parents in this country. Hopefully, this issue of Class B Canadian citizenship for some internationally adopted children will provide a focus for adopting parents to work together.

In the meantime, parents who wish to comment on what has happened should contact their Member of Parliament and the Adoption Council of Canada.

Family Helper Article :

Douglas Chalke has been actively involved in adoption for the past twenty-three years. A practising lawyer, he has lectured and written on issues in adoption and for many years was actively involved in proposals for adoption reform. Mr. Chalke has developed standards of practice in adoption and is widely known as a leader in the adoption field. Mr. Chalke has provided advice and counselling to birth mothers, birth fathers, adopting parents, social workers, and to lawyers in several hundred adoptions.

Since 1983, Mr. Chalke has operated and managed a law firm in Vancouver. This firm has been involved in all aspects of family issues and specializes in the fields of adoption and the resolution of disputes by mediation.

Mr. Chalke is 62 years of age and has been the Executive Director of Sunrise Family Services Society (a British Columbia government licensed adoption agency) since its inception twelve years ago. Mr. Chalke has considerable experience with international adoption and has visited orphanages and government ministries across the world. Mr. Chalke is an administrator with many years experience assisting children to find homes in Canada, and in assessing, educating and approving the families who are going to provide those homes

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Without Disruptive Innovation, Many IP Law Firms Destined to Meet Same Fate As Buggy Whip Makers

A possible upside to the recent economic downturn is that many previously accepted business models are being revealed as in need of substantial reinvention or even total elimination. The billable hour/leverage law firm model for legal services is one of these increasingly maligned business models, and is now appearing to be in danger of ending up in the dustbin of history. Specifically, even those who benefit handsomely from the billable hour, such as the Cravath firm's many $800 per hour lawyers, now realize the fundamental irrationality of charging a client for time spent instead of value provided. This alone should signal that change is in the air.

Notwithstanding the growing conversation about the need for alternative client service models, I fear that the majority of IP law firms will either try to ignore the desire for change or will respond by offering only incremental modifications to their existing methods of providing legal services to their clients. As someone with considerable experience dealing with IP lawyers, I believe that, unfortunately, the conservative nature of most IP attorneys means that IP firms will likely lag behind in client service innovations. Thus, I am of the opinion that many prestigious and historically highly profitable IP law firms will in the foreseeable future cease to exist.

I reach this conclusion as a result of various salient experiences. In one of these, several years ago, I approached a managing partner of a well-known IP law firm with suggestions of how to decrease the number of attorney hours expended on client matters. At that time, the firm was beginning to experience considerable push back from clients about the cost of routine legal services. I noted to the managing partner that he could lower the cost non-substantive e.g., administrative client IP matters, by assigning such tasks to lower billing paralegals. His response to this idea: "If paralegals did the work, what would the 1st and 2nd year associates do?"

Of course, the central premise of the managing partner's response was that in order to keep the gears of the firm's billable hour/leverage partner model turning smoothly, he needed to keep the young associates busy billing by the hour. The existing paradigm of his law firm required that it keep hiring associates to increase partner leverage and ensure that they efficiently billed clients by the hour, with a significant portion of each associate's billed time directly going into the partner's pockets. Left out of this business model was whether the clients' best interests were properly served by the model that best served the law firm's partnership.

Clearly, this law firm was not well managed, which might serve as an excuse for the managing partner's self-serving perspective on client IP legal services. However, my experience as a corporate buyer of IP legal services further revealed that that the billable hour/leverage partner business model was an arrangement that frequently ut the client--which was now me--after the law firm's interests.

As an in-house counsel spending several $100K's per year for legal services at a number of respected IP firms, I consistently felt that when I called outside counsel for assistance the first thought that popped into the lawyer's mind was "So glad she called--I wonder how much work this call is going to lead to?" More often than not, I got the sense that my outside IP lawyers viewed my legal concerns as problems for them to solve on a per hour basis, not as issues that might affect the profits of the company for which I worked. The difference is subtle, but critical: the context of the former is lawyer as a service provider, whereas the latter is lawyer as a business partner.

Against these experiences, I was not surprised at what I heard recently when discussing my feelings about the billable hour/leverage model with a partner friend at one of the top IP specialty law firms in the US. This partner echoed my sentiments about the need for innovation in IP client services. However, she also indicated that most of her firm's partners do not recognize that there is a problem with the way they currently provide IP legal services to their clients. As she told it, many of her more senior partners have been living well on the billable hour/leverage model, so they currently see little need to modify their behavior. My partner friend nonetheless realizes that her law firm is critically ill and is likely to soon experience something akin to sudden cardiac arrest. Sadly, she is not a member of her law firm's management and, since there is no upper level recognition that change is needed, it would serve little purpose for her to raise her concerns to those partners who could effect change (and would probably not be politically expedient for her to do so).

The failure of these currently well-compensated IP law firm partners to recognize the shifting winds of their client's acceptance of their billing practices--the fundamental basis of their law firm's business model--mirrors the response of entrenched interests throughout history to innovations that did not mesh with their existing business model paradigm. Moreover, the inability of many IP law firms to recognize the climate for change leads me to believe that many of these venerated law firms will soon meet the fate of buggy whip manufacturers if they do not innovate in the manner by which they provide legal services to their clients.

Playing out this analogy, buggy whip manufacturers met their demise because they thought they were in the buggy whip business when they were actually in the transportation business. When buggy whips became obsolete, so did these formerly prosperous manufacturers. Notably, buggy whip manufacturers possessed the ability to change and thrive in the new world of the automobile. They already held strong business relationships with the buggy manufacturers that became the first automobile companies. They also employed skilled craftsmen who could have turned their efforts to making leather seat covers or other aspects of the automobile. These buggy whip manufacturers needed only to accept that they needed to ride the wave of innovation occurring at that time and reinvent themselves as suppliers to automobile manufacturers instead of buggy makers.

Like buggy whip manufacturers, I believe that many lawyers have become so entrenched in the law firm business that they have effectively forgotten that they are first legal services providers. As people charged with ensuring the continued vitality of the business, law firm lawyers often become primarily fee generators in that the fees are obtained from billing clients by the hour for legal services. Care and feeding of the law firm and its partners by ensuring constant creation of billable hours therefore often takes precedence over the legal needs of clients. Also analogous to buggy whip manufactures, IP lawyers working in law firms have the ability to change to prevent obsolescence. Indeed, these lawyers possess the requisite skills to continue practicing their craft outside of the existing paradigm of the law firm. Still further akin to buggy whip manufacturers, lawyers also have the existing relationships with customers i.e., clients, which gives them a valuable head start over newcomers who wish to enter the IP legal service arena using innovative, but unfamiliar, client service models.

Using the well-known picture of obsolescence presented by buggy whip manufacturers more than 100 years ago, I believe that IP lawyers who recognize that they must embrace innovation in the way they provide IP legal services to clients will be poised for success when their clients decide that the time for change has arrived. On the other hand, lawyers who believe they are in the IP law firm business will invariably be left behind when innovations in client service enter the marketplace that render the law firm business model obsolete.

IP lawyers should not expect that they will be able to predict when their clients will demand change. As with the customers of buggy whip manufacturers, law firm clients will not serve their IP counsel with notice warning prior to taking their business to lawyers who provide them with innovative, and more client-centric, service models. To the contrary, when clients are finally presented with acceptable alternatives, they will naturally migrate to the innovation that best meets their business needs. The result will be that one day, these currently successful IP lawyers will likely wake up to realize that they are losing their clients in droves to lawyers who succeeded in developing and introducing an innovative client service model to the world. And, as most lawyers will tell you, once a client is gone, they are likely gone forever.

Not only will clients fail to announce that they intend to leave their law firm before they do so, they also will not tell their lawyers how you can serve them better. Why should they--they are not in the business of providing legal services. Accordingly, mutually beneficial client service innovations must be generated by and because of lawyer action. But, because of their inherently conservative nature, I believe that many IP lawyers may fail to realize that innovation is critical until it is too late to preserve their client base.

Some might contend that complaints about the billable hour model have abounded for many years, but no major changes have occurred to date, thus indicating that most clients may be all bluster and no action. While it is certainly true that clients exerted no real pressure on lawyers for change in the past, circumstances are markedly different today than before. Disruptive innovation is rocketing through society, and many formerly solid business models, such as newspapers and recorded music, are now teetering on the cusp of demise as a result.

The signals are there that law IP firms that rely on the billable hour/leverage model appear poised to experience significant stress from clients and critics in the near future. Those relying on this model for their livelihood would be well-served to look for innovative ways to address this changing environment. In short, those who think that the billable hour/leverage law firm model will escape the transformative business innovations of the current era are merely "whistling past the graveyard." IP law firms, as well as other types of law firms, must innovate now and innovate big or I fear they will suffer the fate of the buggy whip makers.

Jackie Hutter is Principal of The Hutter Group LLC, a leading provider of IP ("Intellectual Property") business counseling and competitive analytics to forward-thinking organizations that seek to maximize firm asset value by capitalizing on the power of intellectual property. She has over 13 years experience counseling innovation-driven companies, universities and business development and investment professionals in maximizing their firm intellectual asset value. Jackie was named a SuperLawyer(R) in Intellectual Property in Georgia in 2004, and she has been a frequent speaker on IP issues to her fellow lawyers. Jackie was formerly Senior Patent Counsel at a Georgia-Pacific LLC, where she had sole responsible for Dixie(R) patent matters and, later, the company's Chemicals business. Prior to joining Georgia-Pacific, Jackie was a shareholder at the prestigious IP firm of Needle & Rosenberg, PC (now Ballard & Spahr), where she represented mulit-national companies, universities and innovators in protecting their IP to create maximum asset value. Jackie has also been a patent and IP litigator, which gives her a unique perspective in how to maximize firm IP value by avoiding litigation. Prior to attending law school on a full academic scholarship and where she graduated with honors, Jackie obtained her M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences and she spent several years as practicing chemist at Helene Curtis (now Unilever). She is a named inventor on one U.S. patent. Jackie lives in Decatur, Georgia, in a groovy mid-Century modern house with her husband, 2 daughters and several pets.

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