Thursday, July 21, 2011

Change Your Life - Know the Universal Laws

Universal laws are the firm and unwavering principles that governs our whole universe. It is the reason in which our world and our universe continue to exist, flourish and enlarge. Universal laws may also be known as "laws of nature" and "Spiritual laws."

There are an enormous and eternally increasing amount of individuals in the globe who are becoming aware and waking up of these universal laws so far it's still the huge mainstream who trust that life just happens.That the a variety of procedures, circumstances and conditions they experience in life, are based on "hit and miss no's and yes's" in spite of how excellent or terrible they might observe them to be, or are just a accidental succession of occurrences altogether fully believing there's no ultimate reason or basic motive why stuff come about.

I meet a lot of people who get nearer to a position of interest and surprise who frequently enquire, "What is the secret formula for experiencing happiness, wealth, joy, harmony and fulfillment?" or "can you tell me the secret to doing the things that you love to do?

The responses to these questions are always similar. In actual fact it is fairly straightforward. There's no secret at all if you choose to be aware, become conscious, and develop a deeper knowledge of why and how these unbelievable and amazing "Laws" constantly and naturally function.

Actually, you do not have to do that. But it certainly helps. All that is needed from you is just a matter of "undertaking" 4 easy yet really creative and powerful steps and the Universal Laws or spiritual laws will take over and supply the rest.

You do not have to discern how Universal Laws work or even be conscious that they exist. They are forever working whether you are "consciously aware" of it or not.

So, what are the Four steps

Step 1: Intend what you want.

Step 2: Keep it "real". Make sure you believe it in your heart and mind that you can have it.

Step 3: Think, act and talk as if you already have it.

Step 4: Act on the opportunities that comes to you to make it happen.

It is as easy as that.

Your work is the "why" and the "what". The work of the Universal Laws is the how and the when. Have no apprehension, do not doubt; Just Believe. The universal laws do their work always. The more focused and intentional you are on doing your work, the faster they manifest.

These are the universal laws.

* Law of Thinking

* Law of Supply

* Law of Attraction

* Law of Receiving

* Law of Increase

* Law of Compensation

* Law of Non-Resistance

* Law of Forgiveness

* Law of Sacrifice

* Law of Obedience

* Law of Success

To know more about this laws, go to

Listen to the Exclusive Teleseminar Interview with Bob Proctor (From the Secret). In this teleseminar, he Reveals the Other 11 Forgotten Laws That Enhances and Completes the Law of Attraction!

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