Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction is like a living organism that influences the whole cause effect graph of the universe on a subatomic level. The law of attraction is natural law. The Law of Attraction is fun to learn and use because you are always watching, waiting expectantly for your desires to manifest. The Law of Attraction is quite readable, but the way some of the wisdom is presented may give you a bit of a headache--especially as you juggle some of the ideas on attracting undesired situations. The Law of Attraction is totally neutral , it doesn't filter what you ask for. The law of attraction is so powerful, it can create a beautiful life full of wealth, prosperity, love, joy and happiness, or it can manifest a life of despair, poverty, sadness, ill health, and hatred. The Law of Attraction is one of the most simple and profound principles of the universe which states that "We attract into our lives whatever we give our energy, focus and attention to". The Law of Attraction is always working. The Law of Attraction is a theory commonly associated with New Age and New Thought philosophy. The law of attraction is just like the law of gravity. The law of attraction is said to be able to bring success, motivation, self improvement, get you out of depression, give you confidence, get rid of your fears and insecurities, help you to improve yourself and your marriage, help you to lose the weight you want to and give you happiness. The law of attraction is the principle by which you attract into your life that which is in vibrational alignment with your consciousness; your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes. The Law of Attraction is and always has been a part of all of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. The Law of Attraction is a law of nature that shapes your life.

Thoughts are a vital tool in creating the reality we experience. Thoughts create vibrations, the way a pebble creates ripples in a lake. Thoughts, feelings, words and actions all send messages. A person's thoughts (conscious and unconscious), emotions, beliefs and actions are said to attract corresponding positive and negative experiences "through the resonance of their energetic vibration. The "law of attraction" states "you get what you think about; your thoughts determine your experience. Gautama Buddha, "What you have become is the result of what you have thought", is an expression of the idea that thoughts introduced into reality can attract like energy. According to the 'law of attraction', thoughts have an energy that attracts like energy. Focus your thoughts and your language on what it is you want to attract. At some point your thoughts will manifest physically, first in your behaviour, and then even in your "real world". Since nobody actually has the answers as to how the universe works at all, I am curious to know how one can say our thoughts don't make things happen. All I can say is that we have thoughts for a reason and I do believe that thoughts combined with emotion can get you to your goal quickly. By learning more about this great law, we can better understand how our thoughts create our realities and what we can do to start creating and attracting the lives that we desire. This is why assuming responsibility for your thoughts is so important.

The Law of Attraction is something that affects all of us, all of the time. The Law of Attraction is merely doing its work to deliver what you're thinking. The Law of Attraction is an extremely important Universal Law, and an aspect of the Law of Cause and Effect or Causation. The Law of Attraction is a technique to help people manifest their dreams and goals. Keep in mind that the Law of Attraction is just a NEW name for the very ANCIENT Law of BELIEF. You will learn what the Law of Attraction is, how it works and how to work with it, to create the life you desire. The key to mastering the Law of Attraction is responsibility. If you want to know what the law of attraction is and how you can learn to use it in your life to get everything you always wanted, just ask me and I will explain it to you.

My name is Kevin Dodd. I am 28 years Old and have been in the music business for a long time and in all kinds of network marketing and online business. I've made a lot of money and lost a lot of money. I've purchased every kind of software, and have been in all kinds of programs and have learned my lessons the hard way. Now I'm trying to save you the time, hassle, and money and hopefully become wealthy in the process. See You Soon! []

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