Wednesday, July 6, 2011

14 Spiritual Laws to Know and Use

If you think the Law of Attraction is all you need to know about spiritual law, think again...

Using spiritual power to change your life and the lives of others depends on knowing Spirit (or being aligned with God/universal intelligence) and applying spiritual laws wisely. Much attention has been paid of late to the Law of Attraction due to huge amounts of publicity around "The Secret", which started as a book, expanded to a DVD, and then became a movie. But there are other spiritual or universal laws that can be studied and applied. The two sets of seven laws that I will describe briefly in this article are probably the best known.

Seven universal laws are attributed to Hermes Trismegistos of ancient Greece. These seven Hermetic laws are quite well known and are generally accepted by many as containing great truths. Other people believe that this is all a bunch of new age hooey; but from my own experience, I believe the truth is indeed there. The best treatment I've seen of the Hermetic laws is by Alan Seale in his book, Soul Mission, Life Vision.

The Seven Universal or Hermetic laws are:

The Law of Mentalism -- Also known as the Law of Mind or the Law of Spirit. The law has two aspects. The first aspect states that everything is mind or spirit. Everything arises out of thought or universal consciousness. Thought creates. The second aspect is that everything exists within the mind of God, and the mind of God exists within everything. This is the core idea of many mystical traditions -- that there is a great unity or oneness with God.

The Law of Correspondence -- This is often stated as "As above, so below. As below, so above." The microcosm level of the human being corresponds to the macrocosm level of the universe. The inner level of objects held in thought corresponds to the outer level of objects in reality.

The Law of Vibration -- Also called the Law of Resonance. This law says that everything is in motion. Matter, energy, thoughts... everything is vibration. This law has two subsidiary laws: the Law of Attraction and the Law of Change. The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like -- i.e., similar vibrations attract or resonate with one another, and dissimilar vibrations repel one another. For example, health thoughts can attract health; wealth thoughts can attract wealth. The Law of Change says that, since everything is in motion, change is constant and to be expected as normal.

The Law of Polarity -- The subsidiary law is the Law of Relativity, which says that everything is relative and nothing exists alone. Everything is relative to other things. The primary law is that everything exists on a spectrum. What are often referred to as polar opposites are the ends of a spectrum but there are points throughout the spectrum which are degrees between the poles or opposite ends.

The Law of Rhythm -- This law says that all of life, and even non-life (such as planets, moons, and stars), exists within an order or pattern or combinations of cycles and patterns.

The Law of Cause and Effect -- Often described as "As you sow, so shall you reap". This law states that in interacting systems, actions or events cause or lead to resulting conditions. Cause precedes effect.

The Law of Gender -- This law is often referred to as "yin and yang", and it has two parts. The first part says that within everything there are masculine and feminine energies... masculine being strong, forceful, and assertive; feminine being contemplative, nurturing, and yielding. The second part is that things come in their own time, and that there is a natural gestation period for things to develop and manifest.

Another famous seven laws are the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success from a book of that same name by Deepak Chopra. For many years, I have used these seven laws as subjects for contemplative meditation, and so am quite familiar with them. His seven laws are:

The Law of Pure Potentiality -- Spirit is pure consciousness; and we human beings are pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality -- the field of all possibilities. The universe is creative and abundant.

The Law of Giving -- This law says that the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Energy and intelligence naturally flows. From the human point of view, giving and receiving are necessary to participate in this dynamic process.

The Law of Cause and Effect -- Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Giving love brings love to us in return. Giving money or value produces money or value that returns to us in kind.

The Law of Least Effort -- Effort can get in the way of natural participation in the universe. Natural effort -- that is, effort that is true to one's own nature -- is "least" effort.

The Law of Intention and Desire -- Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment; intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power. Intention and desire can lead to action (cause) which will produce an effect. Intention and desire are also themselves thoughts (causes) which can create the intended result if clearly focused (attention) in the present.

The Law of Detachment -- Detachment is giving up the attachment to the result. It is being free to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, and to surrender to the creative intelligence of the universe. It allows the universe at the quantum level to respond and react. It allows creation to happen most freely.

The Law of Purpose in Life -- Everyone has a purpose in life based on a unique gift or special talent. When we use this unique talent in service of others, we experience the glory of our own spirit accomplishing a divine goal and living a dream of the soul.

There are occasional references to other spiritual laws such as the Law of Love, the Law of Abundance, the Law of Growth, and the Law of Giving -- and these may or may not map to the fourteen laws mentioned above. I think they do, but I will leave it to your reasoning (or imagination) to work out how.

Now, the spiritual laws can be (and have been) studied and analyzed for what they mean to us human beings and for their potential consequences. They can and do have many different or subtle interpretations. But the key thing is that the laws have spiritual meaning and also practical usefulness in how they can be applied to benefit us -- both spiritually and materially.

The key is learning how to use the spiritual laws effectively. The laws can be applied singly, but can be used most effectively when taken together or in combination. True spiritual power is when a person knowingly and wisely applies the spiritual laws to produce further insights, spiritual bliss, peace of mind, loving relationships, health, happiness, abundance, and true enjoyment of life.

Spiritual Take-Away:

Learn about the universal or spiritual laws. Get familiar with the laws -- the more you learn about the universal laws, the more you are learning about spirit. The more you know the spiritual laws, the more you can apply them. And the more you can apply all of the laws, the more you will be able to use your spiritual power. Through spiritual power you will: come to know yourself, get closer to spirit, change your beliefs, cause new circumstances through your actions, attract what you want in life, feel peace and bliss, and know the spiritual power that connects you to the Universal.

Copyright 2007 New Spirit Productions and Ray Posch - All Rights Reserved

Ray Posch is a long-time student of spirituality and how spirituality can be used to make a difference in real life. His blog site, New Spirit Today, includes articles and blog posts about practical spirituality, creating wholeness in life, and using spiritual power to transform. His blog offers reviews of spiritual books, websites, ebooks, and other spirituality resources. His feature articles can help you know spirit, apply spiritual laws, and use your spiritual power.

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