Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Secrets of Universal Laws in our Daily Lives PART ONE

Cosmic and Universal Laws rule our lives whether we are aware of this fact or not. These are spiritual laws that we live with every day of our lives. As one example is the Law of Cycles. There are shorter cycles and longer cycles. In plants, for example, we plant a seed, which takes its own time to grow. Under certain favorable conditions, it grows to bloom, then to shine in all its glory, giving pleasure for a shorter or longer period of time, depending on the type of plant or flower, to eventually wither and die, only to be recycled again and again.

Everything in nature, humans included, everything in our world, works in the same rhythm, under the Law of Rhythm. Our life, our businesses, our relationships our whole existence, work under the same rhythm, everything constantly renews itself or it dies. Nothing remains constant or stagnant. Nothing in nature is wasted for under the Law of Recycling, absolutely everything is recycled in nature.

Mots of us human creatures resist change. We expect everything to remain the same, we expect things to last forever, we expect the impossible. Because in accordance with the Law of Movement, the Law of Growth, the Law of Vibration and the Law of Change everything is in constant motion and change. The more we are aware and the better we understand this the more we are in harmony with the flow of the energies of these laws of nature.

This ancient knowledge known only to a selected few in the past, is today no longer a secret. This esoteric knowledge is now available to everyone who is interested and who wants to know. But you need to be very careful. You need to decide what to believe and what not to believe. To be able to discriminate and to tell the difference, you need to develop and sharpen both you intuition and your abstract mind, your sixth and seventh spiritual senses, so that you can cope with the onslaught of information, some of which might be total rubbish. You need to be sharp enough and in touch with your own intuition, to know what to believe and what not to believe or else, you are more likely to end up more confused than you were before.

The nature of my life forced me to think about these laws. I was in reality, living through and activating one major law after another, the Law of Change, the Law of Acceptance and the Law of Adaptation again and again in my own life, without knowing it. I moved through countries and cultures so many times in my young life, I intuitively chose to develop a positive attitude towards life and change. After going through each initial shock of the change, I quickly readjusted, accepted, adapted, to my environment and in accordance with each unique situation I attracted to me what I needed to make my life enjoyable. This came gradually to me, somewhere along the line, after suffering pain and going through a lot of confusion and frustration, little by little I began to understand. Circumstances began to make sense to me.

You see, my passion in life is the psychic world, the invisible world and ever since I could think and read, I've been studying ancient eastern wisdom teachings. Esoteric teachings occupy much of my time and attention both in waking and sleeping. I do this every single day of my life. It is as if I have this giant invisible jigsaw puzzle and I try to find one little piece after another to complete this puzzle.

For me the psychic world is more real than the material world I live in. It has been so for me ever since I was born. My mother, God bless her soul, was totally convinced that I was a witch. My inner strength as a child even and total conviction when I stated my opinions scared her. She was in the habit of saying, 'I feel sorry for the man who marries you!' You must keep in mind this was in the Middle East in the 1940s, women in general were supposed to obey and not declare their thoughts or insist on arguing a point. My own daughters, as they grew up, were convinced that centuries ago, I was burnt at the stake many times over. My siblings made fun of me because they did not understand me at all and to date do no take me seriously.

For me it is all very simple and clear. Being psychic is my second nature. I do not see myself as an oddity. On the contrary I see myself as being blessed. I feel protected as I have guardian spirits. I never feel that I am alone. This inner knowledge which is hard to explain, gives me incredible inner strength. No matter what chaos reveals itself in my life, I manage to survive because I rely on this inner knowledge and the inner strength that I feel.

I grew up in the world of Aladdin, Ali Baba and the fairy tales of the one thousand and one nights. Do you know that in those fairy tales all the universal laws are found, if one cares to listen very carefully and to read between the lines? These divine truths are given to us everywhere, but only if we care to hear and only if we care to see. We can see them, if we want to, everywhere around us in life, they are revealed to us in movies, in books, in poetry, in art, in daily lives of ordinary mortals. Sometimes words of wisdom drop like pearls of treasure from ordinary people who happen to pass our way and exchange a few ordinary words with us. Unless we are aware and living in the 'now' moment, we miss them. As things are, we are usually too preoccupied with our mundane life, we're mostly in a great hurry, rushing to do this or that, shopping, work, hairdresser, kids, cooking, fighting, arguing, TV, chasing money or sex, holiday, nagging or complaining and being unhappy about not having what we want. We are usually so exhausted with all the practical and so called important things that we need to give our attention to, that we have no time to really live, to listen or to see the real truths about life. We choose not to have time to understand the real meaning of life itself and we forget why we are here at all.

Cosmic laws rule everything in the cosmos. And universal laws rule everything on earth and these laws manifest themselves through energy. Now what does that mean exactly?

Everything in the universe is scientific and is mathematically perfect down to the last minute detail. There is law and order everywhere and a reason for everything. For example if the sun suddenly went out of orbit our whole universe would simply collapse and we all would be extinguished in a matter of seconds. The universe is a perfectly orderly place in spite of all the chaos we observe all around us. All forms of life and all actions that occur in the universe are governed by universal laws. Minerals, plants and animals live in accordance with the laws of the universe. We, humans, are the only species on this earth who are arrogant enough to think that we are clever and powerful enough to override the laws of nature and for this childish foolishness of ours, we are now experiencing the results all around us on every level.

Universal laws exist in order for the world to function with efficiency and we have been given the privilege of the will and the intelligence, to activate these energies for better or for worse. The same law might be right in one situation and wrong in another situation and we are given the freedom to discriminate and to make our personal choices.

For example right now I am activating the law of communication and I am doing this with awareness, because my intention is to communicate with you, the reader, and to share with you some important knowledge that will be of great benefit to you. Many years ago in my early twenties when I was frustrated and angry, and my hormones were running amok, I would fight with my just as young and naive husband and scream at him. The poor guy would run away as if a thunder bolt had hit him and that infuriated me even more. I was activating the law of communication you see, but in a negative destructive manner. It did not do me any good nor did it do my partner any good. He on the other hand had nothing to say and this made me scream at him even more. Saying nothing is as bad because he did not activate the law of communication at all. He did not share his thoughts or feelings with me. With that he was also violating the Law of Sharing as much as I was. So we were doomed right from the start, life was hell on earth and guess where we ended up after a few years of this? In a divorce court of course!

Living against or violating a universal law simply means that we are going against a natural energy flow of any particular law. It's the same as when we swim against the flow of a river, we would have to struggle much harder in order to move forward. And if the current is really strong then we wouldn't be moving forward at all. So when we have problems in our lives, guess what it means? It means you are doing something that is going against the flow of the energy of that particular law. You see, we are activating the laws all the time, in everything that we do, usually, however, we are unaware of this fact.

I'm sure that you have experienced at least once in your life if not more often, wanting something to happen and it doesn't. You try and you try again and again, and though you seem to be doing everything right, it feels as if you're hitting your head against a brick wall. This is a sure sign that you are going against the flow of energy of that particular law that you are activating. So the wise thing to do is to let go. You need to let it rest. Being aware, you would try another approach, another angle or you might re think the timing. Perhaps the timing is wrong, so you decide to do it at a later date. A stubborn, unaware person would crash through the wall by force and end up getting hurt.

At the same time you mush have experienced at one time in your life or more often, when things went very smoothly, not much effort was required on your part, to make things happen, everything seems to go well without any problems. This means that you were doing something very right in accordance with the law you were activating. You were going with the flow of the energies and so everything happens easily for you. If you can become sensitive to this energy you can make your life much easier and you can avoid many problems and hassles in your life. You begin to feel peace and harmony in your life and the more you experience this inner peace the more joy you will attract to you.

Quite often we are in the habit of sabotaging ourselves by activating negative energies, such as fear, doubt, anger, laziness, envy. These are all negative energies that make us feel bad because they hold us as slaves within our own limitations, our own small tiny dark world, keeping us away from the light, they hold us back from being the free beings that we are meant to be.

The Law of Freedom tells us that we are all meant to be free. There are no exceptions to this law. We are all meant to be free beings, with no race, color, age or gender differences. Your partner, your daughter, your son, your employee, your servant, your parent, your nearest and dearest and every human being, absolutely every one of us is meant to be a free human being, free to think, free to act, free to make choices. For a couple in love, for example, jealousy and possessiveness drives the loved one away, by giving total freedom the loved one is more attracted to you. The moment you possess, to enslave, to control another human being you are violating the Law of Freedom and this will have its consequences according to the Law of Cause and Effect and it will eventually boomerang in your face.

There is no punishment of burning in hell. Forget that! There exists another law that takes care of that. The Law of Justice will see to it that when you do wrong the time will come when you will have to pay for that wrong. And this happens on earth in this life.

You see God, the Architect of the universe, the creator of our world, has really worked out everything perfectly for us to the minutest detail. God is a genius! The Almighty is also a kind and merciful God, because he has also given us the Law of Repentance. This law states that when you do wrong you are given the chance to repent and for this you need to do or to give some sacrifice to show that you repent. In ancient days this law was misunderstood and it was given to general belief that a sacrifice of blood or a life has to be given to appease the Gods. It was superstition, or more likely, the law was purposely misinterpreted by some male specimen/s who wanted to have control over the miserable ignorant folk who were most likely starving and scared to death anyway. To this day in some areas of the world and in some faiths it is customary to kill animals, or to beat oneself until one bleeds in repentance. Unbelievable but true.

The sacrifice that this law requires to show that you repent, is given to you to decide or depending on the situation you are told what it would be. Whatever it is, it is an act that you would need to fulfill. As a good example for this, what comes to my mind, is a scene from the film about Ghandi. When Ghandi carried out a hunger strike and refused to eat until all Moslems and all Hindus stopped fighting. A Moslem man came to him and confessed that he had killed a Hindu child. Ghandi made this man promise to adopt and raise a Hindu child orphan as his own son, and what more to raise him in the Hindu belief system. You can imagine what a challenge this Moslem man had to live with every day of his remaining life with this promise as a sacrifice which he gave to Ghandi. The sacrifice calls for you to suffer a little, emotionally, physically, mentally, by living up to a challenge, of the promise that you make after you have admitted your wrong and your feeling sorry.

Here are other simple examples of sacrifices to repent, depending on the size of the violation. You make a pledge to make friends with a neighbor whom you hate. Or you promise to be kind and friends with your mother in law whom you can't stand. Or you make a pledge to read to someone blind lying in hospital every evening for one month. You make a pledge to fast for one week or not to eat your favorite food for one month. In short the sacrifice requires you to give up a pleasure or to make an extra effort. Very small violations you can quickly correct by saying you are sorry and presenting the person with a box of chocolates flowers or simply ask to be forgiven.

In fact, through all these acts of sacrifice, the individual is forced to exercise self reflection, self control and self discipline, which are all very desirable character traits to develop.

With this act of repentance you are balancing the universal energies by contributing something good to the universe. In this way you activate the Law of Balance. Everything in our world is in perfect balance. Or at least it should be in balance. It is meant to be in perfect balance.

To go back to the negative traits mentioned above. We are given the choice, the freedom and the will power to fight these self destructive traits, and negative traits that we hang on to are generally destructive and most of all self destructive. We are given the choice to activate the Law of Choice and the Law of Freedom, when we make a personal decision. For example, we could say, 'from this moment on I am going to be aware of my thoughts, aware of what I say and aware of my actions.' With this we have also activated the Law of Awareness and the Law of Action in a positive way, and when we carry our pledge through and actually exercise the above, then we will be going in harmony with all the laws mentioned.

The Law of Forgiveness is one of the most beautiful laws, because the energy of forgiveness is a healing energy. And we can forgive ourselves as well as forgive others. Forgiveness is cleansing. Decide right this instance to forgive someone you hate immensely who has done you harm. Let them go, let that feeling of resentment go, practice forgiveness and see how much lighter you feel. How good you will feel. It is that easy. All it needs is your firm decision and declaration. Ask for forgiveness from someone you have harmed and see how good and how healing that feels. It works even if you cannot speak to them personally. Declare it to the universe. The universe will respond.

Destruction of our environment, our materialistic behavior, the poverty, the social injustice, crime, wars, exploitation of natural resources, are all symptoms of the huge imbalance in our human nature and we have no one to blame but ourselves. We humanity have caused our own misery. We usually like to blame God for all our calamities.

People are in the habit of saying:

How can God allow this to happen?

Where is God? Is there a God?

God wills it to be so! It is God's will for this to happen!

We kill in the name of God!

God is punishing us. etc. etc.

But all of this is nothing but nonsense!

God has absolutely nothing to do with all this. It is we humans who are doing it to ourselves and to each other.

God created this world in a wonderfully orderly manner and everything works like a perpetuum mobile. What more we humans, as guardians of the mineral, plant and animal worlds, are given the freedom to do as we please!

That's how generous the Creator of this universe is.

And just look at what we have done and what we continue to do to the world at large and to each other.

We are created as multi dimensional beings to experience and to manifest our true nature and essence, the spirit, through our physical form. Our purpose here on earth as we complete our human journey back to the spiritual dimension is to develop, to strengthen and to refine our human qualities. We are meant to evolve during a lifetime in the physical world.

The challenges that we meet on the way are meant to help us to grow, to develop and to refine our character. They force us to reflect, to question and to find answers. We are meant to fine tune our character in the same way that a musician fine tunes his violin. We are meant to get rid of all that is bad for us and to purify ourselves to become joyful natural human beings.

The nature of spirit is an individual philosophy for each and every one of us. But no matter how diverse our beliefs or philosophies are we in the physical world whether we like it or not, are all bound together by our thoughts, feelings, dreams, aspirations and actions.

Universal laws transcend the diversity of individual beliefs. When we become aware and learn to understand and to apply these laws in our daily lives, a whole new world opens for us, we can suddenly achieve whatever we want, and do whatever we want. Suddenly a new life of miracles is open to us.

(Part of a Presentation - Awaken Women Conference in Brunnen, Switzerland - October 13-15, 2006)


I was at a didjeridoo workshop many years ago when the trainer greeted me with ?aah and you are a rainbow warrior,? to which I replied surprised ?What is a rainbow warrior?? He said. ?Rainbow warriors are a group of souls in reincarnation who are dedicated to spread light on earth.? That did not surprise me at all because that is exactly how I see myself - a ?light bearer? since my birth. Nobody told me that, I just feel it. It is my mission to guide people who are searching, towards the light. As you well know, all it takes is one little matchstick to bring light into a pitchdark room. That is why I am convinced that the light will always win.Don?t let this esoteric language turn you off. I assure you I am present here and have both feet well rooted in mother earth. Yet at the same time, I am always connected to and interact with higher spiritual realms, which for me have always been and are very real. I am psychic and sense clairvoyant. This just means that I see and sense more than the average person does.

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