Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why Has the Law of Attraction Not Been Working For You and What Are the Other 10 Laws You Need?

The Law of Attraction has been praised extensively over the years. It has been hyped up as a result of the release of the hit movie "The Secret." Many even go as far as to claiming that knowledge of the proper workings of the Law of Attraction is the only thing that you need to know in order to achieve all the success you want. Could it, however, be that easy and simplistic?

As with anything in life, you should know better than to believe that things could be that simplistic. The Law of Attraction is fantastic and it is definitely important, but it is only one of a total of 11 laws. Initially these laws were presented in Raymond Holliwell's book "Working with the Law." Wait, you have not heard of Raymond Holliwell. This is understandable because his book was published about 70 years ago.

However, thanks to our contemporary Bob Proctor, who became like kind of a star due to the main role he played in "The Secret," these forgotten laws are back in discussion. Recently Bob Proctor released his profound program "The Forgotten Laws," which is involved in a detailed discussion of each one of the laws in the original Raymond Holliwell's book.

So what are these 11 laws? In the order that the author presents them, they are the Law of Thinking, the Law of Supply, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Receiving, the Law of Increase, the Law of Compensation, the Law of Non-Resistance, the Law of Forgiveness, the Law of Sacrifice, the Law of Obedience, and the Law of Success. Does this sound overwhelming? Well, I admit it did for me too in the beginning, but then I realized that I did not need to know everything about these laws at once. All I need to do was be aware of the fact that all of them are working at all times, and then seek to follow their postulates in my life as much as possible.

So does one need to read the original book or is Bob Proctor's program sufficient in covering the laws? Not only that, but the fact that Bob Proctor presents an updated version, which is more applicable in the 21st century, make his program the way to go to master the so called laws of the Universe. But why is knowledge of the Law of Attraction only not sufficient?

The Law of Attraction is not an isolated entity. It works in harmony with 10 other laws and together they direct everything in our daily lives. If we are aware of and work with these forces, then we would be able to achieve all our goals and feel fulfilled in our lives. If not, then we would suffer in the ignorance of the majority. The choice what to do, as always, is yours. Check out the link below for more details regarding the program, as well as reviews of some other related programs. Have fun applying all the laws to your life and manifesting success!

Want to learn more about this topic? Instantly access more free tips and reviews about The Law of Attraction [] here: [].

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