Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Life's Unbreakable Laws

The laws of science and nature have been studied in detail for thousands of years and man has gained a substantial amount of understanding of them, particularly in the last few centuries. We are so accustomed to knowing these physical laws now that it seems as though we have always known about them. No one can deny their presence and their effects.

But when it comes to laws for spiritual matters and things to do with our personal lives there is still some amount of confusion, disagreement and ignorance.

Are there laws out there that determine how our lives turn out and what results we experience as individuals in our own lives? Or is it, as some believe, that there is a thing called "destiny" that has our lives all planned out for us and we are powerless to resist? Some would also say that God has predestined us for different things and different purposes and we simply walk in that way.

Perhaps these are the more hopeful theories because there is, for a large number of people, a general void in this area - the ones that don't believe in destiny, God and all. They believe that everything that happens is simply chance and that we have just about as much control over it as we have control over what time the sun rises tomorrow. To them, nothing is interconnected. Life is just a series of haphazard and unrelated events.

The truth, as I and many others have come to believe, is that everything in the universe is governed by law. There are laws that govern our lives, just as there are laws that govern the physical world. These laws determine the results of our behaviours, our attitudes, and our interactions with other people.

They are called the "Universal Laws." The universal laws are defined as unbreakable, unchangeable principles of life that operate inevitably, in all phases of our life and existence, for all human beings and all things, everywhere, all the time.

The essence and purpose of all universal laws and the reason for their existence is to manifest the infinite love of God to us. They operate without exception, whether we are aware of them or not. They are completely impartial and were put in place out of kindness and love for the benefit of all mankind. At their core is an intention for good, to bring to us the things we need when we need them and to regulate the world.

But, if these laws were meant for our good why then do we have so much of the opposite - suffering, fear, poverty, crime and so on?

Bruce McArthur, in his book titled "Your Life - why it is the way it is and what you can do about it" confronts this question. He says "The great joy, the great hope, the answer to this paradox lies in coming to an understanding of the Universal Laws, for they produce both conditions. They create chaos and suffering when we misapply them. They create beauty and harmony in our lives when we use them in the highest way. Therefore, these laws are the keys by which you and I can make our lives and our world what we would like it to be."

The reason there is so much chaos is because of a lack of understanding of these laws and a misapplication of them. Now it does not matter what you choose to call the laws. You can call them universal laws, karma, spiritual principles or whatever else. The important thing is that you recognize that they are there.

If you try to drive a car without knowing how it works what results are you likely to get? That's right - disaster. I know of quite a few people that thought they knew how to drive a car and prematurely got in the driver's seat. The lucky ones have ended up in a ditch or in a wall fence. Others have ended up killing themselves or others.

That is exactly how it is when you try to live your life without an understanding of the universal laws and their power. You may end up in pain, difficulty, confusion or despair without understanding the reasons, even though your intentions were good. It is therefore important to learn these laws and how they apply to you as an individual if you are to be truly happy and successful in all areas of your life.

Examples of the universal laws include the law of cause and effect, the law of increase, the laws of attraction, the laws of love, the law of belief and the law of choice. They can be grouped in a pyramidal style to reflect the different areas of growth that a person may go through as follows:

Universal laws of cause and effect - these provide a logic for understanding why your life is the way it is and who is responsible.

Higher universal laws for your transformation and attunement - these are the laws by which you can begin to change your life from what it is today to what you hope it to be.

Universal laws of transformation of your relations with others - these enable the healing if relationships through forgiveness, mercy and grace.

Universal laws of enlightenment - these represent the level at which you are able to develop your full potential. This is sometimes described as God realization, cosmic consciousness, or Christ consciousness.

Once we become aware of them we come to the realization that the laws are there for our benefit; that we can actually make a conscious decision to have the laws work to our advantage and for our good as well as that of others. That is a place of enlightenment. That is a place of power.

The universal laws are there for your good and for the good of all. They operate without prejudice and without favor. Know them. Apply them. Change your life.

Dr. Moses Simuyemba is a medical doctor, life coach and entrepreneur. He has built several websites and enjoys helping others turn their hobbies, knowledge and experience into their own successful online business that earns them extra money. It is a great way to be an entrepreneur and financially independent. If you're interested in learning more about this visit http://www.executive-and-life-coaching.com/

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