Monday, July 4, 2011

The Secret of the Law of Attraction - Mending your Mind, Minding your Business - Part I

"The mind is the man. Where the mind goes, the man follows. Expression is only the extension of impression. You mend your life only when you mend your mind. And you cannot mend your mind until you mind your business." -Uzo Onukwugha

Wealth creation begins as an inner game--a metaphysical science that works with mathematical precision. It is your inner-worth that determines your net-worth. That's why money is a metaphysical instrument that meanders according to human consciousness based on mental programming. The law of attraction works through our belief-system imprinted in our thought life. It is impossible to think rich and grow poor. What you grow in the garden of your mind will determine what you gather in the garage of your life. That's why the mind is a two-edged sword: it can be your cash or thrash depending on usage. The law of attraction is meant to put us over and not under. An impartial universe of laws does not care who gets rich or poor; it favors those who obey its laws.

You must have heard or read about the law of attraction and expansion. The Law of attraction is a spiritual law that is as old as the universe. It is built into planet earth and every matter therein--including humans. The simple definition of this metaphysical law is that humans are living irresistible magnets that attracts or repels people and circumstance in concert with their dominant thoughts. The laws of the universe are constant. What changes is our awareness of these laws. Remember that the definition of every spiritual law embraces the corresponding mental laws. I submit that the law of attraction is an extension of the law of sowing and reaping, the iron law of human destiny.

Furthermore, the name, "law of attraction" is a misnomer. The "law of the magnet" should have been a more appropriate name. Why? This is because the name only embraces the pull (attraction) and said nothing about the push (repulsion). I will illustrate this by going into details:

We all know about the law of gravity. It is the pull or attraction of one object to another--for example object to earth. It is because of this law or gravitational pull that keeps us from falling off of the face of the earth. It is also the law that keeps the earth rotating on its axis in front of the sun, creating night and day. Therefore, the misapplied law of attraction only embraces gravity. The concept of a complete magnet is not factored in. On the other hand, we know that a magnetic field surrounds the earth. A Compass measures the earth's magnetic field and gives us bearing and direction. The compass dial always points to the magnetic north (true north). Now, the same electromagnetic field surrounds every matter. In humans, we call this unseen field of electrons (energy in motion) aura. In religious circles, magnetic field is called the anointing or virtues. Thus, the training of your human spirit will determine what you attract or repel into your life based on your mental programming. Mental wiring in turn governs the law of correspondence, the law of reciprocity, and the law of substitution.

In business, the story is the same. It is your entrepreneurial spirit that powers creativity, innovation and productivity. This is why you cannot divorce a life of inspiration from business success. Yes, the business of your life is the life of your business. It is not the type of business; it is the type of person that is minding the business. You only mind your business when you mend your mind. I always say that inspiration is the key to business aspiration. The single most important determinant of business success is not your business model; it is the mode of your mind. Now business folks are rediscovering to uncover these immutable laws.

Once in a while, an old law makes a comeback when someone gives attention or publicity to it. Yes, we live in a universe of cycles. The more things change, the more they remain the same. Circumstances change but human nature and the laws governing it remain the same. These natural laws are fundamental principles of life that govern the affairs and destiny of human behavior.

The law of attraction cuts across the board: spirit, soul, body, relationship and finances. However, the nerve center of the law of attraction is working through the mind (focused or scattered). It is in the mind that God teaches us the secret of His universe. If anything is not made up in your mind, you cannot make it in your life. The mind is the bridge between the unseen supernatural world and the physical world of matter. The mind will always have primacy over material things. That's why you can only materialize what you meditate. And actualize only what you visualize in your mind's eye.

If it is not in your mind, it is not in your future. Therefore, understanding mental dynamics is key to understanding how the law of attraction works. When people say that thoughts are powerful, it is not a figurative statement; it a physical reality. The magnetic power of the mind is greater than an ordinary bar magnet. A 12 year old boy told me that electromagnetic force of the mind is ten times more powerful than an ordinary magnet. This same energy is what creates our destinies. In short, life is measured by the power of thoughts. This law of magnet works through mental focus. yes, at quantum mechanical level, the metaphysics of thought becomes the physics of life. Every law of energy and matter apply to everything in the universe. The center for the law of attraction in the human brain is the subconscious mind typified by the RAS (reticular activating system). How we process information in our mind will determine our destiny in life.

The law of attraction works through:

FOCUS (CONCENTRATION)--remove distractions, concentrate and finish one task at a time. Before you rush to start multiple streams of income, first have one stream. Thereafter, you can diversify. Note that the heart beat of concentration is contemplation. This is important precaution because most busy people suffer from "scattered brain syndrome."

SUBTRACTION (RETRACTION)--remove clutter, stinking thinking, fear, doubt, unbelief, indecision, double mindedness, procrastination and low self-esteem. Sometimes retraction is called the rubber band effect--you must contract before you expand.

TRACTION--This is the force that pull you towards your heart desire or whatever you are programming for yourself. You naturally attract what you desire, and demand. Define your wants through goal setting--know that what you are looking for is also looking for you. Like objects attract, unlike matter repel. Thus you attract your kind according to law of biogenesis.

ACTION--work consistently towards your goal. Take steps of faith. Faith without action is meaningless. Nothing happens until something moves. We live in a dynamic universe. "It is the law of nature that those who do have the power and those who do nothing have not the power," says Emerson. Nature is created on increments; little baby steps create giant results. Your taking thoughts create your desire, but it is taking action that brings it to you. ACTION is the common denominator in all these steps.

SATISFACTION--the visible success that everyone sees. Satisfaction happens after you take action and

beat the law of inertia. Notice that the second half of the spelling of satisfaction is action.

When you take these five steps, you become a living magnet--or should I say money magnet with the Mida's touch--attracting every good thing that belongs to you by divine arrangement. That is how you become a celebrity--a person of attraction. After this process things start happening for you effortlessly and automatically. People and things will be drawn to you to celebrate the outward manifestation of an inward grace. All because you have reprogrammed your thought, automated the life of your business and humanized the business of your life. All because of the recognizing and obeying the law of attraction.

Uzo Onukwugha operates []

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