Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Natural Laws of the Universe and the Law of Attraction

There are laws of nature which include the energetic laws of the Universe and the physical laws. Both are natural. Both are laws of cause and effect. The difference is that one set of causes is material and the other is energetic. Both have inevitable results.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is one of the energetic Universal Laws of the Universe. It operates from a formula, just as any physical law.

(Belief + Vision)Passion = Manifestation

It is very closely related to the Law of Intention and Desire. For use of this law, it is important to let go of control. You must make your list and surrender it to the womb of Creation.

As Mike Dooley instructs us, we must pitch balls to the Universe, and let it hit the home run.

Does the Law of Attraction have Anything to do with the Law of Least Effort?

They are closely related. This one assures us that if we harness joy, laughter and love that we will harness success without effort. Lao Tzu says, "An integral being knows without going, sees without looking and accomplishes without doing."

This activates the Law of Attraction. Some teachers emphasize that you must be active to make the Law of Attraction work. When you add this law, you are able to be less purposefully active. Although, the thing that is making you joyful is often related activity.

The Law of Giving, Sacrifice and Vibration also Affect the Law of Attraction in your Life

This is a law that requires energy to travel. When we give away our unused stuff, we are sending it back out so into the Universe rather than hording it. This is re-energizing it and renewing the energy of the Universe.

Stopping the flow of the Universe as we do when we store stuff in our basement will also stop the flow of energy (resources) toward us.

We can also send energy out or clog energy inside us by giving a compliment or holding one back. Do not ever hold back in order to save someone from being conceited. We reap what we sow. Send out happiness and reap it yourself -- usually in greater amounts.

The Law of Detachment and Rhythm

Your spiritual self is always detached from specific goals or desires. It is your ego that wants the Mercedes rather than the Ford Mustang. If we are visualizing a car to take us to work in 20 minutes rather than the hour and a half that it takes on the train, picture something comfortable and dependable. You might get a Mercedes or you might get the Mustang.

If you attach to the Mercedes, you might get nothing. This is the meaning of this law. Send your prayer/manifestation, and then step back. Let the Universe create the answer for you. Be grateful when it comes. Perhaps in the future, you will get the Mercedes if you are grateful now.

For more on the Laws of the Universe, please visit:

Nancy J. Stremmel is the co-owner and developer of: the compendium of information on the Law of Attraction.

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